I'm using Jojoland Rhythm for the multicolored yarn, and Jojoland Wool Yarn for the natural white one. I'm going to knit not separate squares, but bands of squares one on top of each other, maybe 8 or 10, and later sew those bands together. Anything to reduce the sewing part.
I'm wondering if I should rip this square out though. I'm using 4.5mm needles, which is appropriate for this yarn, but with the slip stitch pattern it makes it stiff like a board. Can't say the wool is soft, rather scratchy, but good enough for a blanket, and I prefer wool over acrylic. So there's something to think about. I'll not put a lot of time into this one just yet. Want to work on the lace shawl and the Noro blanket first.
Will I ever knit a sweater for myself? It's getting cold, and it would be nice to have one. It's just not the same to tuck a blanket around one's body, while letting the dogs outside to pee, no, not the same. One day, I guess, I will muster enough courage to cast on for something more practical.
From where I stand I've seen you make tons of practical things, but you are right, you never knit a sweater. I wish I could be there to nudge you a little, but it's going to have to be over the computer. :) Love the blanket. I guess that's another technique I haven't tried yet.
Love to watch your blankets' progress. Especially mosaic. Hope the pups are ok.
Monica, you sound like me....knit sweaters for everyone but me...... ;-(. After the holidays, I promise I'm gonna knit myself a sweater.
I've tagged you. Read about it on my blog...and have a little fun.
I think you do need another blanket, mainly because the entire family can share it and knitters are generally unselfish that way.
In 2009, I am going to knit for charity still, but I promise to grant myself time to make myself a sweater, hat, scarf and gloves that only I will use.
(I hope I do better with that than I did with my diet resolution ...)
Ach Moni - ich stricke auch am liebsten Dinge die ich nicht brauche - 100 Paar Socken z.B...
Aber Lust auf eine Decke hätte ich inzwischen wieder.
Deine sieht sehr schön aus mit dem melierten Garn
LG Heike
Ach was du wieder Schoenes strickst.
Aber es muss doch nicht immer praktisch sein, es muss doch einfach Spass machen. Und einen Pullover kannst du zur Not auch noch kaufen ;-)
I don't ever think I could finish a blanket. It's too huge a project for me! Good luck and I will enjpy watching your progress in lieu of mine. LOL
I would love a nice big cardi to wrap around myself, but I keep putting it off because I want to lose weight first. Which is silly! I think I'm going to cast on for that cardigan soon. First I have to design one.
The blanket will be amazing - but I do think you want it to be flexible and soft. Maybe block the square and see how it feels then.
Let's talk sweaters. The Cabled Riding Jacket I've decided is out. Too hard to downsize. I'm thinking about making the Must Have Cardigan instead!
Woman, would that I could nudge you to make a sweater for yourself....sigh. But I gotta admit, your blankets are fantastic!
The red sweater you made for your daughter was fabulous. I know you had some frustrations with it, but it did turn out beautiful. I think you absolutely NEED to make a sweater for yourself. I have the perfect sweater in mind for you....we gotta talk!
ohh but your mosiac blankets ARE the best!!!
Might wanna start thinking about sweaters though, its gonna get cold quick!
Blankets are nice too!! I have knitted a lot of sweaters (yes: even for myself). Everyone has her own things she like to knit.
The square looks gorgeous!
After a year of socks and loads of charity knitting, much delaying tactics, I've cast on my first top down raglan cardigan and I'm loving it..
I like being able to try it on as you go also as it's in Noro silk Garden, it looks great too
Blankets are practical but yes, you need to knit yourself a sweater! Oh, you have plenty of courage. With all the glorious stuff you knit? A sweater will be a snap.
That mosaic pattern is cute but if it's stiff, maybe it's not the right gauge/yarn yet.
Oh, and of course you're crazy! Aren't all of us knitters a wee bit off our rockers? ;)
of course you need another blanket, can't have enough of those.
however, you also NEED to make yourself a sweater!
at this time of the year it is so nice to pull out those old friends from their summer's rest.
sweaters and cardigans are easy to make. you are such a talented, gifted knitter, you should have no problems.
just think of a cold morning, pulling on a cozy, warm garment is very comforting.
just go for it!
best wishes,
That's a neat square. If it's too stiff you might want to jump up the needle size. Maybe you should use the square as a blanket for a few days? I'm starting to think knitting sweaters might be a little over-rated. Knit what you enjoy!
I'm sure you will knit a sweater someday! Or maybe a cardigan, much easier to take on when you get outside with the dogs ;)
I'm going to start on the mystery socks too - in white yarn I think.
And the needles has arrived, thank you so much!
I am constantly in awe of your knitting! It's inspiring. I have never tried mosaic knitting, but I want to. I suppose I should finish my beaded scarf first, that I started, er, when there was still snow on the ground last spring!
Ne Decke ist immer gut. Ich strick momentan fast nur Socken oder Schals. Für Pullis bin ich zu faul - eher wohl Westen, die kann man zu allem tragen.
Hast Du Dir schon Wolle für den Pulli ausgesucht ;)?
LG Susi
I love your mosaic square!! I tend to shy away from sweater knitting...they never quite come out the way I envision them, but I certainly admire all the ones everyone knits. Very tempting...guess finding the right pattern is important :)
happy knitting :)
I don't know that really is beautiful
Noooo, don't rip the square. I like the design. And yes, everyone need more blankets.
I've also nominated you for an award on my blog.
In my opionion you can never have to many bags or blankets ;).
I find knitting sweaters tough, it's the fitting thing that kills me. It's either to big, to small to long, to short... Well you get the idea.
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