I had to make some tough decisions lately. One, which was easy compared to the other decisions was to frog my Noro 10-stitch blanket! That's right. I love this colorway so much, that I decided to use the yarn for a cardigan for myself. Last night, I ripped. It was almost heart breaking, because this was already lap sized, so cozy, soft and warm, and I wish I could have both. My son asked open mouthed, whether it didn't feel weird to undo so many hours of knitting in such a short time. No, it didn't. I don't think it ever bothered me to frog knitting, after I've decided to do so. I think it's great, that you can do that, if you change your mind.
But don't ask me what cardigan I'll be knitting. I don't know yet, and it will definitely be after my trip to Austria, which is upcoming next week.
On Ravelry I saw some Old Shale Lace Shawls by Evelyn A. Clark, from the Spin Off magazine 2008. There was one I liked a lot, it was the yarn, which made me take notice. I was very disappointed at first, when I saw the shawl in the magazine, so boring, and I would have never knit it just from the pictures in the magazine. But as you can see, I did. I used Noro Silk Garden Sock yarn, one ball only. It's a shawlette rather, but this way it has more chances of being worn as a scarf. I love it! I made a crochet picot bind off, because I liked it. The picot instructions for a knit bind off, sounded like a PIA to me, so I grabbed a hook instead.
pattern: Old Shale Lace Shawl by Evelyn A. Clark, Spin Off magazine Summer 2008
yarn: Noro Silk Garden Sock, color # 252 S, one ball, had a tiny bit left over yarn
needle: 4.5mm
size after blocking: 24" x 46"
start-finish: Sept. 27 -30
This shawl was fun to knit, I enjoyed it from the very first to the very last stitch. There will be more of this kind.
Die Farben sind einfach wunderschön !!! Ich nehme Dir das Tuch gerne ab, paßt wunderbar zu meiner Garderobe :))
LG Eva
I love how seeing a pattern in a different yarn can change you opinion of it. Your shawl is beautiful!
both projects are beautiful. Sometimes it comes down to frogging. It is sad that it came to that but in the end you will be happier and that is what it is all about. It is easy to RIP once you have made the commitment to do so, weird but true. I envy your trip!!
Monika, you have the most colorful, beautiful posts in blogland. Between yesterday and today, Wow! I love the Old Shawl Shawl. 252 is just perfect for that pattern. As usual, another knockout FO.
Oh I am sorry to see the rug unravelled, but how lovely to be able to wear it all the time as a cardi because you like it so much!!
I saw your Ten Stitch Blanket on Ravelry and I love it! I'm so glad I came to your blog. You have fantastic patterns and your knitting is beautiful. I am so disappointed that I can't get the Ten Stitch Blanket pattern since the website says it won't ship back issues overseas nd I am in the US.
Wow , it took you just three days to knit the shawl , smokin' ! It's gorgeous , I can see why you love the colors so much .
I don't know if i could have frooged the blanket after putting in so much work . Good on you , can't wait to see which sweater you choose to knit . Have a wonderful trip home !
Your shawl looks wonderful! Have a nice trip!
Knowing how much knitting time you spent on a project, just to rip it out, hurts sometimes, but if the yarn is better off being something else, then no sacrifice is too big. It's called "recycling", right?
Oh my. I'm not sure if I would have frogged the blanket - it's so beautiful. But it will be a great cardigan in those colours!
And I have no trouble frogging a project if i decide to knit up something else. If I have to frog because I have made a mistake is more frustraiting.
The shawl is beautiful.
Oh, I love the shawl - the colors are beautiful!
OMG, you are INSANE! I would've just bought more yarn! :) And of course, your shawl is gorgeous!
Liebe Moni - Du fabrizierst Träume!!
Die Decke ist einfach schön und ich sabbere hier vor dem PC rum...
Hingerissene Grüße von Heike
OK Woman, although the blanket is incredibly stunning, if you're going to finally make a sweater for yourself then I forgive you. :o)
I'm with you on the ripping thing, it doesn't bother me a bit. Actually it is rather thrilling in a 'oh wow what's next' kind of way.
I could have never gotten rid of the blanket! You brave lady. I'm sure the cardigan will be great too though.
I love the shawl!
Gasp! It's gggggorgous! I totally love the colorway you used. It's perfection. Wear it in good health and enjoy it on your trip :)
Looking forward to hearing all about the vaction - be safe.
Sali Monika
Habe ich das richtig verstanden? Du hast die Decke aufgetrennt um einen Pulli daraus zu stricken?!
Ich bewundere echt Menschen, die soviele Stunden an etwas stricken und es dann wieder auftrennen ....
Aber die Farben sind wirklich wunderbar und das Tuch natürlich sowieso!
Hab eine gute Reise und einen schönen Aufenthalt in Österreich!
Liebe Grüsse - ZiZi
The picture of the blanket made me gasp, it's so beautiful. It would have been difficult for me to rip it but I know you'll make a fabulous cardi. Your designs are, after all, smoking hot!
Such a shame to rip out all that beautiful work...but if you're happy that's the important thing. I'm sure your cardigan will be lovely. You just want to keep knitting that yarn don't you?
It is interesting to see how different the two patterns show the yarn.
And no, I don't need another shawl, but I continue to make them, for some reason1
Hmmm. That shawl looks nice in the Noro yarn. You give good inspiration!
och, nööööööööööööö
wie kannst du nur die wunderschönen Spiraldecke aufribbeln!
Hättest du dir nicht einfach für dein Dreieckstuch nochmal neue Wolle anschaffen können?
Ich fand die Decke soooo klasse *seufz*
Monika enjoy your trip! I too will frog if I wish. I made the Nantucket Jacket all cables but it just wasn't me so the yarn is still waiting.. I think I know a cardi pattern that would look great!
I understand about how you feel after you made the decision to rip out something you made and are actually doing it!
The shawl is gorgeous!
The shawl is absolutely beautiful, but I loved the blanket too. I am glad you had the courage to rip it out for something you thought was better, don't know if I could do that or not.
Better you than me! *smile*
These colors are beautiful. I understand what you mean about frogging. I get the same response around here, but I've always been pleased with the second choice.
Clever you! The shawlette is lovely! Old Shale is such a classic stitch - it will live forever!!
Frogging the blanket made me gasp! It's beautiful and a unique design - and now, completely gone! LOL!! I don't know how you did it! But then I've always had a problem with frogging... I'll invent a way to fix almost anything (including buying more yarn!) rather than undo all that knitting time! Maybe my knitting isn't as perfect as yours, maybe that's why seeing yours go is so much more astonishing.... hmmm... I'll make myself a note "next knitting lesson: Learning to frog 1000 hours of stitches" ROFL!! I hope your trip is everything you dream! Enjoy!!
The shawl is lovely. It's a pity you had to rip the blanket but the shawl is a great choice!
I love the Noro shawl, so much that when I am next out where some is for sale may have to buy a ball to try the old shale shawlette Well done.
My friendship with frogging has been a rocky one. Sometimes it's easy and some times it can make me want to cry :). I think your reasons for frogging are good ones. I bet those colors will make a great cardigan for you.
Your Old Shale lace shawl is beautiful.
I loved the blanket, too bad it had to go, but for a good cause. The shawl is lovely.
My God! I am amazed with this blanket! Although, I want to know more about this pattern. Can you send me it? I want to know what is frogging. I've never saw this before. I know that you are the creator of this pattern and I am totaly felt in love with it.
Congratulations for your work.
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and my blog is http://impactorosa.blogspot.com
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