So, what did I do with my 2oz of blue fiber, left from my last disaster? I didn't want to stick it in a bag, to be forgotten. So I made a dive into my fiber stash, and found a little bag with colored 1oz fiber samples from Spunky Eclectic, which I bought about a year ago. Can you believe it's been almost a year since I started spinning?

This yarn should look interesting, once knit up. The colores came together in so many different ways, it never gets boring to look at it. Although, as usual, the colores are toned down by plying, but there's still lots of it to see. This yarn is a funny blend. I've used 5 different fibers, Corriedale, merino, superwash merino, BFL, and I don't know the other one, but it's the roughest one. The finished yarn is soft to the touch, not overly so, but not scratchy either.

Spinning the singles was fun, and went fast. Unfortunately, while plying this 3-ply, the bottom of one of my Jumbo bobbin got loose, and it would not take in the yarn anymore. Didn't figure it out right away. Just got annoyed, why it wouldn't take up the yarn. So I had to break off the singles, and switch to another bobbin. Out of three Jumbo bobbins, one's lost the bottom, one other is loose already. Aren't they built to last?
I had some singles left over, which I navajo plied. Just a couple of yards, but I can't throw away fiber!
yarn: one skein (with knot) 291yds, 3-plyweight: 6oz
fiber: the blue, dyed by me, is Corriedale; the rest dyed by Spunky Eclectic; different 1oz fiber samples
spun on my Ashford Traditional
WPI: 11-12, worsted weight
I've been reading your blog since before you first started spinning and I wanted to tell you that I've been so impressed with how your yarn is looking! I'm just a knitter....I don't think I'll ever spin, but I can appreciate a lovely skein of yarn when I see it :)
I like your doggies too...their so precious.
My that is beautiful yarn!
Beautiful! Can't wait to see how it knits up as well. Isn't it amazing to see what you get once you ply it? Wow!
I can't believe you have only been spinnning for a year! You have certainly mastered the art in that time. I think it will look fabulous knit up - can't wait to see what you make!
That all blended up beautifully!
Oh, how gorgeous is this yarn! I just start to spin, with a drop spindle and dream of making yarns like you do.
The three colors went together very well. That's very beautiful yarn you have there.
Einfach wunderschön !!
Wow, I'm taking my first spinning workshop (with a drop spindle) next weekend. I can only hope my stuff looks as good as yours next year!
Such great colors and a nice way to use up all that fiber. I can't throw away yarn either. It just hurts. That's why we knit those tiny socks, right? Maybe one day I learn to spin, but not from a book, but from a pro. :)
your talents never stop amazing me!
I really like how all those colors combined. It looks like a very nice yarn.
Absolute eye candy! I can't believe it's been a year already, although your skills are far beyond any other spinner I've seen with merely a single year under her belt.
Very pretty!
So pretty :) "Waste not want not" :)
The yarn is beautiful!
I can't believe you are only spinning for a year now! I thought you did that for years and years.
What is navajo plied?
Except for the little bit of green, it looks like a mix of primary colors. I'm curious if you use a light box for your photos or if you just have a nice white area. You always have very well lit pictures. :-)
Gorgeous yarn! Beautiful colors.
I love that second picture! I went over to Flickr to favorite it, but you don't have it there.
The yarn is gorgeous!
Wow, that is some serious fiber spinning eye candy! Gorgeous!
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