For over two years this business card was my pin cushion. One day, my son asked, if there was not something invented to stick the needles in to. I said, sure, it's called pin cushion, which he knew of course. Until that moment, I haven't ever thought about making one for my tapestry needles. Luckily I saw this lovely pattern on ravelry, most colorful, and eye popping.

That day, I had some left over Noro Silk Garden on my coffee table, so I grabbed it, printed out the patter and set to work. That was back in May. I seem to remember that for me, the pattern was not crystal clear written, but I got it anyway, through trail and error. Anyway, I really love how it turned out. Especially that it has two sides, both nice. I'm tickled with the Edelweiss buttons.

I would have liked to tuck the sections more tightly, but you just can't with that yarn. Still, I'm quite happy with it.

pattern: by Liselotte Weller
yarn: Noro Silk Garden, 0.75 ball, don't know the colorway
hook: 3.5mm
size: large, 10 rounds
start and finish: May 26
This weekend I've been knitting quite obsessively on the Johanna shawl.

Afternoon tea with Swiss chocolate covered cookies, knitting away on Johanna.
It's finished now, just blocking. Hannah requested another "you snag" wrist warmers in black for herself, and the only other thing on my needles right now is my cardigan.

I'm on the first sleeve. There is nothing more annoying than knitting a sleeve in the round, while the rest of the cardi is hanging like a sack of potatoes on it, and after every row you have to untwist the whole thing. Needless to say, it's slow going. After about an inch of knitting, I put it away and do something else. I might finish it this year, or not.