He works fast, and on a low noise level. He can go on for hours, and only needs a few pets, and some treats to recharge his batteries, before he resumes his work. He's not limited to single sheet paper alone, but shreds cardboard, high gloss paper, envelopes, newspaper, flyers, you name it! Once he gets started, he is hard to stop, but even if his work is hard, he'll not complain. He will not rest, until he's done, and satisfied with his work. He comes cheap too, no need for electricity.

Anyone need a shredder?
sounds like you should rent him out to some big name corporations. ;-)
*griiiiiins* Ich lach mich hier gerade kaputt....
LG von Heike
Dogs need a job and it looks like you found a good one for him. Nimitz's job is to hold down the carpet all day. :-)
Ha! I love him!
How hysterical Monika! As I've said before, I'm no dog trainer.... but when confronted with an issue such as we would basically adjust our behavior and learn to "Happy Proof" the house - LOL
How much is shipping to Germany???
Liebe Grüße
von Birgit
I have one of those in the compact model (cat)
sozusagen ein Öko-Shredder :-)
Ich werds mal als Verbesserungsvorschlag in der Firma vorschlagen.
Grüßle, die Bea
I have a stealth shredder here too. He is a large, older dog who suddenly decided he could shred things at random around the house when he is left by himself for any length of time. I hadn't thought of the positive aspects of this behavior until you mentioned it. Hmmm ...
I wouldn't want him and Maggie to get together! What a mess they would make together. :)
So cute!
I already have one. She does cardboard boxes as well. Tissues and toilet rolls a speciality!! It's nice to see Happy has an important job. My word he has grown!!
ooohhh that puppy! really it sounds like we have the same dog.
Too funny! I have a Dachshund who could help him if you want to hire them out as a team. Goodness knows they could both use the money to start paying for all the damage they've caused.
I would like to rent your shredder!
Your shredder seems to use very little electricity. Very green.
(although it seems it might have some emissions problems)
I'm going to stop laughing long enough to tell you that I'm cracking up!
If you don't find any takers for a warm blooded shredder, I might have some shredding that needs to be done!
Just think of all the money you can save on dog toys!
We have the Zeus 2007 version , slightly older model but equally effective
He's just too cute. You should ask for large paper donations instead! :)
He is so adorable! I have a shredder also although mine looks quite a bit like a plump white rabbit. I like to grab free phone books from the post office to keep her occupied.
Oh I so know that one, my Monty, a golden at 2 envelopes form blockbuster, with Movies in them...had to say, I can't return my movies, my dog ate them!
popping on for a happy/biko fix :)
Glad to see he's hard at work.
Heeheehee! Taenzer did that at about his age. When she was too young not to be crated while I was at work, she would spend her time shredding all the newspaper in her crate into 2" squares. (She got newspaper lining because she shredded the original towels!) She had toys, but preferred to shred the newspapers. She still likes to tear up empty Coke cartons.
No thank you! I already have one....
LOL! Do excuse me but I just can't stop laughing! Ha ha ha...ho ho ho...
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