Back in April as soon as the snow melted I dyed some fiber. 5 x 4oz Blue Faced Leicester in natural brown. I'm afraid after the dye bath it was not quite felted, but close. Without pre-drafting I could not spin it. This is another long term project, and an experiment of sorts, and because I'd like to finish my Humbug project first, this will take a while.

It was intersting to see how the brown fiber took the colors.
My first and only finished skein so far is this:

~ 535yds, 2-ply, 4oz BFL. It's very soft, BFL is a lovely fiber to spin.

I haven't made 2-ply yarn in a while. It's more uneven. It looked better before the hot bath. Can you see that it's made up of two colorways? I used 2oz each of the last two red fibers, but it looks almost solid.
I can't believe it, haven't I just wished you all a wonderful weekend? Well have another one! :o)
You took my breath away with the colour ! Gorgeous !!!!
Hallo Monika!
Die Farben von diesen beiden sind wirklich einmalig, besonders in das erste Knäuel bin ich ganz verliebt.
ein schönes Wochenende mit deiner neuen Wolle
it looks really beautiful! i love your dyed fibers.
Hi Monika!!
Like I said on flickr before... gorgeous!!!
And yeah, it looks a solid color... if you didn't mention that was 2 different ones, I wouldn't notice!!
ohhhh yummy maroon, thats going to be beautiful knit up!
die gefärbte BFL ist wundervoll!
Ach, wenn du nur in der Nähe wohnen würdest - dann könntest du auf ein Käffchen vorbeikommen und wir würden einen Kardiertag gegen den leichten Filz veranstalten...
BFL ist meine Lieblingsspinnwolle.
Your dye job is just beautiful! It's really very interesting how the brown took on the colors :)
Beautiful handspun too!
The colors are absolutely beautiful! And all that lovely yardage ... wonderful.
Hallo Monika,
endlich kommt die Wolle dran, die ich schon auf Flickr bewundert habe.
Hast Du die selbst gefärbt?
Alle Farben miteinander sind einfach ein Traum. Was strickst Du daraus?
Viele Grüße Karina
What a lovely range of colours! The yarn looks gorgeous!
It is going by pretty fast, isn't it? Happy 4th of July!
That dyed fleece just looks so gorgeous, I want to roll around in it.
Love the yarn which you spun!
Margie in Maryland
Oh my you go girl for spinning almost felted fiber. I accidently kind of felted some when cleaning and it was nothing but frustration for me. I think it ended up in a bag in the back of a closet somewhere :).
The colors you got are beautiful. Your right the spun yarn does almost look like a solid color.
I hope you are having a great weekend too.
The yarn is beautiful. Which picture is truer to the actual colour?
Hallo Monika,
ich bin begeistert von diesen Farben!
Wie schade, dass du so viel Mühe damit hast. (Ich habe schon richtig verstanden, dass die Fasern ein wenig filzig sind?)
Deine Idee mit zwei verschiedenen Farben ist toll. Fällt kaum auf und die Farben wirken lebendiger, nicht so stumpf.
Liebe Grüße, Juli
Beautiful colours and gorgeous yarn!!! Hi Biko!!
I really love this yarn! I'm so partial to burgundy! And it isn't "uneven" it just has lots of character! I'm looking forward to seeing the next batch!
These colors are terrific! So rich!
Again such beautiful yarn! I do have to spin more on my spindle! The little yarn I’ve made so far is so uneven. Which makes it very precious to me but that’s not something you want to knit wearable things from…
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