After yesterdays ice rain, we had some snow fall during the night. This morning I had some fun with Biko and Sam, and wanted to share it. Since Biko couldn't find her tennis balls in the deep snow, I got out the smallest of the rubber Joy-balls, so she can carry it. Sam was occupied with his, of course. Little do they know, that in the afternoon, we'll go visit the vet for their annual examination and vaccinations. :o)
You can click on the individual pictures to get a better look. You'll come to the same flickr mosaic, just click the numbers of the pictures, and it will appear larger. Enjoy!
Thank you for your e-mail!
What a beautiful pictures of your dogs in the snow.
Here in the Netherlands snow became rare. The past few years it only snowed a little bit once or twice every winter. I think that is because of our marine climat (problably in combination with the global warming).
Although we had a lot of snow in March (!) 2005 (but that was very unusual, our landscape looked just like your pictures).
I think that is a pity because I would love to have a white christmas.
Hannah, http://hannahknits.web-log.nl/
Huhu, Monika,
das sind wunderschöne Fotos - man sieht den beiden richtig an, wie sie Spaß am Schnee haben!!
Ich mag Winter auch nur MIT Schnee... leider wird es nie so richtig viel :-)
Lieben Gruß
Beautiful picutres.
I'm hoping that we have some snow this year - sherman loves it! It is just too bad we don't ever get much.
What beautiful pictures! I love how you made the collage (sp?) as that gives more depth to the pictures, almost like stepping outside in the snow myself.
Wonderful photos! They're having so much fun!
Looks like great fun in the snow :)
Great collage! They look like they are having a ball :)
They look like they're having so much fun! My friends boxers have one of the those balls and they love it. I'm sure they'll forgive you for the vet trip. ;-)
Biko looks like she can't quite figure out what to do with that ball! *lol*
The snow is finally going to make it here!! Yippee! 3 to 5 inches tonight and tomorrow.
BTW, It's coming from an Alberta Clipper...was that your snow?
Awww..they look like they had fun! We've been dumped on with snow this week. It's really bad today. But, I'm glad to have it in time for christmas.
Looks like they had a blast. Enough deversion before the vet visit. Smart move :)
I love the multi pictures - beautiful wintery and white!
Ah, the wonderfulness of being a dog and enjoying the moment despite what's coming soon...Hope they had fun at the vet!
Aw, my puppies! Frolicking in the snow. Were they good at the vets? And are they good to go? Much healthier this year?
Those mittens are cute!
now THAT is snow! how lovely. those two beautiful dogs enjoying their winter wonderland...
Wunderschöne Bilder!! Kann gar nicht glauben, dass Ihr schon so viel Schnee habt, aber die Jahreszeit dafür ist ja da. Bei uns ist es schon Jahre her, wo wir richtig viel Schnee hatten.
Oh, what happy, happy puppies! I love all the pictures. Thank you for sharing!
Hallo Monika
herzlichen Dank für die wunderschönen Winter-Schnee-Hundebilder. Den Beiden machts ja riesig Spass im Schnee herumzutollen.
Bei uns sieht es momentan eher nach Frühling aus -
irgendwie passen die Temperaturen überhaupt nicht zur Weihnachtsdekoratio ;-)
Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Wow, look at that snow! how much fun are those two having. We don't have snow here (Tennessee rarely gets any) but Timber would love it. He was born in N. Dakota.
Oh wie schön ist Eure Winterlandschaft! Ich habe hier noch nicht eine Flocke gesehen...
Da kriege ich ich ja richtig Lust mitzuspielen.
Vielen Dank für die tollen Fotos
Liebe Grüße von Heike
Wow look at all that snow. The dogs are gorgeous.
Sam and Biko look so happy! (good thing they didn't know the vet appointment was coming).
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