I've another big spinning project going on. I've got 54 of FatCatKnits Semi Solids on Falkland to play with. Each is a 2oz bundle. I'm spinning them with a blanket in mind. I'm only going to start knitting once all of them are done.
I've got seven finished so far. I know, this will take a while, since I'm doing other stuff in between. But so far I'm loving it.

The skeins average 127yds, chain plied, 2oz.

I've spun them from lightest to darkest, and had the feeling, I was spinning the same thing over and over, even though they are all different shades.

I've already picked the next 7 colors, they are not in this picture anymore. This time I've picked them randomly, to make spinning more exciting. So far, I'm loving every colorway, they just look so awesome up close and personal. This is really a fun project.

I'm not sure what blanket it will be. I have something in mind, but don't know if I can do it yet. But that's a long way off!
Have a wonderful weekend!
ich wollte Dir nur mal schreiben, wie ich Deinen handspun friday liebe.
Ich freu mich morgens schon auf Deinen Eintrag und genieße das so richtig und irgendwie treibt es mich dann auch immer in Richtung meiner Kammzüge und zum Spinnrad!!
einen lieben Gruß
Flippin' awesome photo of all that fibre!!! I will admit to having green eyed monster tendencies!!! I CANNOT wait to see all your planned blanket fibres spun up! :)
Beautiful spinning, and such lovely colours. I will enjoy seeing what these turn into. Have a lovely weekend with your pups, and give 'em a hug from me.
I just love your shelves full of all the beautiful wool ready to spin. And it looks so lovely wound onto the bobbins too. I think she are showing great will power not to start knitting yet!!
Monika deine Farben und fertige Wolle fasziniert mich immer wieder aufs neue.
Schicke dir liebe,frostige-8°,Grüße aus Bad Schallerbach
Wow - was fuer ein Projekt! Ich freue mich schon drauf, das mitzuverfolgen.
Liebe Gruesse
von Birgit
(Haha, die word verification lautet "sansfin" - ohne Ende, das passt ja.)
Excited to see that rainbow of fiber turn into a rainbow of yarn!
You know we are all going to fall head over heels over that stash of fiber. This looks like it will be so much fun to spin and knit. I will follow this project closely.
What a beautiful long-term project! I'm sure you can't get the February Blues with a fiber closet so colourful! I would love to see the pattern you are thinking of for your blanket. I do hope you'll post a before (fiber)and after (yarn) photo when you're done all that spinning.
That will be one heavy beautiful blanket. Can't wait to see it in progress, love the colorscull.
Ooh those colors! I love this project, even though I don't know what you're going to make :D And I'm so jealous of all that fiber! It's absolutely beautiful!
Is that your fibre stash cupboard?? It's so pretty just the way it is! (not that the yarn isn't pretty too!)
Oh what fun!! The first blanket that pops into my brain is the 10 stitch spiral by Frankie Brown
But I'm sure you have something ubber cool in mind, can't wait to see it!!!
What an absolutely gorgeous project you have started. The fibre looks beautiful and the spun yarn even more so! I look forward to seeing the work progress.
I can see how it would seem like spinning the same thing over and over when you only have the subtle color change. They sure are stunning though!
Now I want to know what blanket you're considering!
Those are some fabulously filled shelves! No pups basking on them though. Clearly you need a cat. ;)
Such happy colors! Just beautiful!
Oh, your yarn is so beautiful! Mine is always lumpy and uneven - too funny to post on my blog I'm afraid, lol!
Looking at all of the colors makes us feel happy. They are simply stunning!
Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily
How wonderful! Such a lovely project. Just the fiber itself is wonderful to look at that spectrum of colors. Cannot wait to see how you knit it up.
You are amazing. That is going to be one beautiful blanket!
All I can say is WOW!!!
Those colors are awesome. This is going to be a fabulous blanket.
Great shades of color :)
Oh my. What a beautiful rainbow you have in your shelf!!!
So glad you commented on my post, or I would have missed your rainbow spinning project!!! Your spinning is gorgeous!
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