Last year, can't remember which month it was, FatCatKnits Magnolia was the colorway of the month. I've got 6oz of it, and I was spinning it with a shawl in mind. I separated the colors, and spun them from the green end to the dark purple end. This was going to be a beautiful shawl! I had the yarn in two skeins, because my bobbin only takes 4oz at a time.

The finished yarn was sitting around for a while, but in the back of my mind I was always trying to figure out what pattern I would use with it. Then, one day I picked it up, wound the two skeins into cakes, and cast on a shawl.
I didn't like it. Well, I didn't like how the lace part looked, and since it's Falkland, it was not the softest either. It certainly is fine for socks, and mittens, but I knew I would not want to wear it around my neck. The colors were too bright to give a shawl as a gift, I thought, so I had a sleepless night over what to do with it then. It was almost 600yds! Several things came to mind, but when I woke up the next morning (of course I got some sleep), I knew that I would knit Burning Stripes socks!
I could not cast on fast enough to see how it would turn out.

I love the contrasting stripes down the back. I didn't do the short row heel as in the pattern, but let the stripe run along the heel until I started the toe decreases.

All the while I was knitting these, I was thinking "That's what it is all about!" Over and over agaian, while I was looking at the colors, the stripes, and how they played together. From fiber to socks.

The toes ended in this redish color and ...

it continued at the cuff of the second sock.

Only to turn purple in the end. The yarn weight was fingering weight, and was perfect for needle size 2.25mm. I don't like lose kit fabric for socks. I could not believe how perfect they were. Made me really happy!

Well, and then, there was left over yarn. I knew if I put it away, I would probably never get back to knitting with it, and I didn't want that. So I was thinking it might be enough for a pair of fingerless mittens.

I cast on, and since I was worried of running out of yarn, I knit the cuff shorter than I normally like.

Turns out, I had more than enough for full mittens!

By the way, I knew both socks, and the mittens would not match, but I did not care one bit!

After the mittens were done, I still had some left over yarn, so I did a quick crochet border on the cuffs, and I really like how it turned out. Look at those little picots, sweet!

A little heart formed by thumbs up!

O.K. now there was still some left over yarn, but screw it! I think I've used up my Magnolia yarn quite effectively.

I haven't spun at all this last week. Had to knit a quick pair of socks, and I was working on my Old Forge blanket, but I'm going to get back to the wheel asap! I'm already missing spinning too much.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lovely! Your yarns are just what I want to have.
Such a gorgeous unpair of socks and mittens. I love the little strip down the back of the socks , their beautiful stripes and the crocheted edge on the cuffs. That's a job very well done!!!
Hi. I love that your socks and mittens dont match. I do not care eighter when knitting with yarn like this. Your socks and mittens are unique. enjoy your weekend
As I have told you before: I love your Burning Stripes socks and your yarn.
These color are gorgeous!
And the mittens!
A wonderful weekend to you too!
Beautiful! That sock pattern has been on my list for quite some time. I must see what stash I have for them.
wow, i love love love those socks! and your spinning is always an inspiration.
I'd say you most definitely turned that gorgeous handspun into lovely FOs! Those socks are perfect, and mittens to boot!
This is what spinning is all about! Everything is beautiful, from the fiber to the yarn, from the socks to the mittens.
Beautiful spinning and knitting. Love the colours too!
Have a great weekend, and pass on our scritches to the pups!
i love what you did with that yarn! very cool
This post put a great big smile on my face! It's so neat to see what you do with your spinning. It never occurred to me to separate the colours like that.
The socks are spectacular!
I absolutely adore these socks!
I'm looking at all your beautiful pictures of lovely yarn and projects and wondering whether you have a light box for taking pictures? Finding the right light and background is a science for taking pics.
The socks are stunning! I love the colors. I wish I knit as fast as you knit!
Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily
Absolutely gorgeous! I love the look you have on your finished yarn - so polished. The socks and mittens were just gorgeous too.
They don't need to match to be a perfect pair. The yarn, the socks, and the mittens are so beautiful. I was ooh-ing and aah-ing all the way through your post.
You are truly a master spinner and knitter ~ I can imagine how enjoyable it must have been for you to knit and watch the magic unfold. Well done ~ and just beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!
You've worked some magic with these yarns. Both projects are stunning.
I love them, I love thatthey are a "mismatched " pair :)
Oh I cant wait to get back to spinning!!! taking time off study is looking great! Love the socks and mittens!
I love that you didn't care if the colors matched perfectly. Matching things isn't always the way to go, especially with handspun yarn.
Enjoy your new knitted goods and stay warm!
I like how you worked the stripes down the back of the socks....very neat :)
Absolutely love how they turned out!
They are fantastic! The socks and the mittens!
Knitting these socks and mittens was a great idea! I love stripes that change color. Have a good weekend! Yours, Julia
Monika- You are a spinning pioneer- going where most of us don't dare to.
I hope you wear those fabulous socks alot.
Those socks and mittens are SO FREAKIN COOL I can't stand it.
Wow. WOW. Inspired.
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