This is Nicole's "Not-Quite_Straight scarf". (People, it's hot, let your fingers do the walking - one post down for the pattern). As you can see, I ran out of yarn, but I didn't want to rip it out again, so there's this green little corner, which makes it OH so special! ;o)
I've got almost as much yardage out of three balls of yarn as a roll of toilett paper. See the little holes in the beginning and the end? That's from blocking. Yes, I did block it. Here are the specifics:
yarn: Queensland Collection Kathmandu DK
85% merino wool 10% silk 5% cashmere
3 x 50 g and a little bit of green (in all 450 yds)
4mm needles
pattern: Not-Quite-Straight Scarf by Nicole Hindes
pre blocking: 6" x 73"
after blocking: 5 1/2" x 94" !
These socks, decoratively thrown in the bushes, are for DH. These are made with my compiled toe-up, dutch heel socks recipe you can find under "free pattern" on the side bar. I've washed them and they are so stretchy, they could fit on an Elephants foot! The pattern is Garter rip from the book "Sensational Knitted Socks" by Charlene Schurch. I like the color and hopefully they'll fit.
"Gimme a break!" (Sam)
Aww, Sam looks so cute modeling the scarf! I kind of like that little corner of green. Like you said, it gives it a little something extra.
I love that pattern and added it into my knitting queue.
Deine blauen Socken sind ja schön geworden. Ebenso der Schal. So ein ähnliches Muster habe ich auch mal gestrickt. Ich muß schon sagen, der Schal steht Sam audgesprochen gut
Thanks for directing us to the pattern. Love the scarf model!
Wow, you've sure been busy - I absolutely love how the scarf turned out, and that little green spot is such a fantastic thing, it makes it all the more unique and special! Great job! And your socks totally rock, great color and pattern!
Sam seems to be the perfect model for your knitted items - I suppose he got a tad warm with the scarf though?
Thanks for commenting on my blog! The little green corner makes the scarf!!! I think Sam should wear the scarf this winter! He is so handsome!
Der Schal sieht sehr schoen aus, vor allem mit der gruenen Ecke, die macht ihn wirklich einzigartig! Ebenso begeistert bin ich von deiner Sockenanleitung, toe-up wollte ich schon immer mal stricken
viele Gruesse
Love the little green corner on the scarf - definitely, just makes the pattern! Sam just does not look so impressed though!
I think I need to start working on more small projects - everything I ardlhave is just taking so long to finish these days, and I haven't been focused on the knitting quite so much lateley.
I just scrolled through your blog, and looked at all your loverly FO's and am majorly upset that my blog doesn't have so many FO's to show! Must do better!
Hallo Monika,
ich weiß nicht was ich schöner finde, die Strickerei oder Sam....
Aber Sam zusammen mit dem Schal ist einfach toll - die Farbe steht ihm perfekt!!
LG Heike
I love the photo of Sam modeling your scarf (which is STUNNING btw).
Life doesn't get any better - yarn & dogs!! LOVE your dogs!
Hey, I found it. Good thing you gave me this tip... I was planning on making it really long before blocking... so maybe I'll back off a bit on it.
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