For my very special Noro Kureyon Blanket, the second half of the yarn came from Webs today. They had the # 126 at a very special price (I thought I was dreaming it). The other half of the yarn # 150 I bought on e-bay and the price was not so bad either. Anyway, this is a longterm project, which I will keep (because even with the super special price, nobody would pay me for that).
So, if you don't hear from me for a few days, it's because I'm getting "tight" 'with my yarn. But don't be fooled by this abundance; there is more on the way. ;o) - and only two hands to knit and so little time.

These lovely gifts came with the Debbie Bliss yarn, curtsey of the Get Knitted Store.

This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is Debbie Bliss maya (discontinued), which sailed in from the UK - Get Knitted - thank you very much. One color is still on its way. My washing mashine burped bubbles, when I walked by, because this is prime felting material! At least one other Lucy Bag will be forthcoming.

The long awaited Artyarns from Fabulousyarn came today! Two skeins of Regal Silk " 117, which will be a mothers' day gift. Some Supermerino Cappuchino and the Fern green Supermerino for another blanket. I thank you Judy for your support through this long waiting period! ;o)