I spun it right away, but didn't get to show it until now. I decided to spin some thicker singles, and ply with some commercial yarn. I found some anthracite colored lace yarn in my stash, and I think it worked out wonderfully.

This yarn has weight, it has wonderful drape, and I've got 368yds of it. I'm thinking some kind of infinity scarf/cowl thingy would be nice.

Thanks again, Bea! I haven't spun 100% alpaca before this, and it was fun.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
So beautiful! And totally my colors. Love it!
Hi Monika, I like the Alpaka yarn a lot! Can't wait to see what you are going to knit with it.
I wish we had snow in Germany but it is unusually hot for this time of the year.
Yours, Julia
As always a treat to see your new creations on the spinner. I so have to learn to do this in 2012.
i like the idea of plying with commercial yarn. very cool!
That is just yummy!! I love pairing it with commercial yarn. Fabulous!
Das kommt sehr schön raus mit Deinem Zwirnfaden.
Ich habe jetzt entschieden, das ich mein Alpaka nun doch 2fach gegeneinander verzwirnen werde, auch wenn es dann keinen Pulli reicht.
Oder es gibt wieder mal was Mehrfarbiges.
Grüßle, die Bea
Woo hoo! I love alpaca - but it doesn't love me to spin it. Your colors are delicious!
The unspun fiber looks almost like hair. It's really lovely.
I love spinning with alpaca - so silky smooth and easy, especially for a newbie spinner like me. I never thought of plying with a commercial yarn. The wheels in my head are really turning now...
Just finished another Willow Cowl with 350 yards (four lace repeats). Love the pattern. it would look pretty in this beautiful blue/green. Check it out, free on Rav.
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