Something very flattering happened too: I've got an e-mail from Amy, editor of Spin-Off magazine regarding my Morning Surf Scarf:
Thank you for sharing your version of the Morning Surf Scarf by Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer on Ravelry. We love how the scarf works up in handspun and are working with Jackie to offer the pattern in Spin-Off. We’d like to follow the pattern with a gallery of scarves that have been made in handspun yarns and yours caught our eye.
(In case you’re not familiar with us, Spin-Off is a quarterly publication from Interweave Press devoted to handspinning and what readers make from their handspun yarn. Each issue we feature a gallery of handspun items.)
This was a last minute inspiration, so we’re already in the throes of making the Summer issue—said another way, we’re operating on a tight schedule.
Please let us know if you are interested in participating in our gallery as soon as possible by emailing me at If you’re able to participate in the Summer issue, I’ll respond with a projects notes box that I’ll need you to fill out and we’ll need you to ship the scarf, fiber and yarn so that it arrives by Monday next week (March 10, 2008).............
Amy Clarke Moore Editor, Spin-Off Interweave Press, Inc. 201 East Fourth Street Loveland, CO 80537-5655 (970) 613-4682"

Hannah's modeling it, with wet hair out in the cold, thanks Honey!

I liked doing the crochet edge, you should click on the above pic to see the close up, it's so wonderful that I must force myself to move on, and not stare at it indefinitely! :o)
I've special ordered this Manos Silk Blend yarn for this hat. It's not the original yarn used in the pattern, but this is amazing yarn. I loved every single stitch I knit and crochet with it. It's a pity that it goes under combined with the mohair blend, but still, that's note worthy yarn!
pattern: Silver Birch hat, Colinette Arboretum Book (original yarn used: Colinette Taos & Colinette Parisienne)
yarn: I used: Manos del Uruguay, color # 3117, 30% silk 70% merino wool, 1 x 50g ~ 150yds and Watercolors by Estelle: 50g ~ 175yds, shade 30, 50% mohair 50% acrylic, held doubled
needles: 4mm
crochet hook: 3.75mm
start-finish: Feb. 20-21 (I know speed is not important, I just wanted Hannah to model it, before she left)
I fell in love with this hat and it's construction, but more with the yarn used (Colinette Taos), when I saw this hat, which Claudia of Mr. Puffy the Dog made.
BTW - Devonshire is having a Blogiversary contest. You've got to let her know what your favorite dessert is, the bad thing is, you can only list ONE!