Today, up at 5AM. According to the radio, we've got 30cm of snow. I'm not quite sure about that, but it's a lot, especially if you have to shovel it. I did only the front steps and the walkway from the driveway to the stairs. That was enough. At 6AM my son and Biko left for the Vet clinic. It took them two hours to get there, instead of one hour. The last time there, was the first time for all of us, and Biko was very nervous, but this time, so I've heard from my son, she went with the Lady, without any trouble, not even on the leash, just walked with her. That's new. I sure hope they can tell us something at the end of the day.
Meanwhile I've been outside with Sam, so there are only Sam photos today. He's in paradise, I think. Never without his red ball, he just enjoys being in the snow. Totally MY dog! We suffer, when it's hot outside. Right now , the sun is out too, very pretty.
I've finished my crochet scarf, it's blocking, if you can call it that. In any case, it's wet and has to dry, before I can take pictures.
Only two more WIP's to finish, before I'm casting on for something new. Not feeling too sorry for myself though, because I like both projects.
Got to go, lots to do. :o)
Those photos, as well as the photos in previous post, are just beautiful! Those dogfacedkids of yours are just Beauties!
I hope all goes well with Biko, sending my best to her. It's good to hear she's comfortable with the new clinic.
WAHNSINN - das sieht schon toll aus mit soviel Schnee. Aber was machst Du wenn du mal weg must!?
Aber den Hunden scheint es ja wirklich zu gefallen (die fahren ja auch keine Auto)
Ich bin sehr gespannt auf den Häkelschal. Der Anfang sah ja (bis auf die Farbe *zwinker*) schon super aus.
Viele Grüße von Heike, die gerade Nougat-Eier mampft...
I hope the vet can figure out what's going on with Biko.
Sam looks so handsome in the snow!
I'm soooo jealous! Beautiful snow! I'm sending good healing vibes to Biko!
Beautiful just like a postcard. Wishes for good news for Biko.
There's nothing like a dog and his ball. Can't wait to see the scarf! :-)
So cute! I used to have a dog that looked just like yours... your pictures make me miss him!
Sure hope there is good news about Biko. Sam sure love the snow...good thing there is lots for him to play in :)
Your dogs are so gorgeous! Mine has been out in the snow off and on all day. We must have 15cm or so. It's the most in one snowfall all season so far.
Sam pix! I just love watching him romp.
Wow, that is a lot of snow.
Thanks for the snow photos - I miss the snow alot. Never feels right to me to have summer in Feb.
Good luck to Biko - hope there is good news from the vet.
He really enjoys the snow so much. And I hope Biko is fine. She sure is a good girl.
Glad to hear Biko went off happily and hope the news is good. Where would Sam be without his ball??!! So much snow!!! Happy Knitting and crocheting.
gorgeous snow photos!! best of luck to Biko.
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