Forgive me, but yesterday was surreal for me. I was wandering through the day with the edges blurry; I felt a little bit like a marionette, and I was the one pulling me around. NO! I don't do drugs, but that's what lack of sleep does to me. I'm like a baby, if I don't get enough sleep I get cranky. And with enough I mean at least 6 hours non stop sleep. O.K., since I'm posting now, I obviously made it through the day, which was at some points rather funny. Family members repeated like a mantra, "go to bed", "take a nap", but I couldn't! If I sleep during the day, I can't sleep during the night. Anyway. I finished my single sock, that's all the knitting I could do, and if I'm not able to knit, that's saying something. At least I knew how to push the trigger on my camera.
My single sock and I, and the dogs of course, enjoyed the most wonderful, if a little chilly, morning. The sock even managed to soak up some sunshine, all relaxed and comfy.

Find your own caption for the picture below.

This is another sock that fits perfectly. I'm so fond of cotton/blend socks right now, and I think I figured out the right amount of stitches/needle size, which will fit my feet.

That's as close I'll get to the pool right now. The water is freezing!

Sam carries the 'big red ball" everywhere with him. Here it's caked with mud.

Those two will do about anything, just as long as I throw the ball! The next time I should try to let them stand on their heads...

Well, I feel great today, must catch up with my work and hopefully get some knitting done, without making mistakes. It's still hard to count to FIVE!
Like the sock . Is it The Jaywalker pattern? I know what you mean about napping during the day . I usually feel worse after a short daytime nap , so I'd rather forgo it altogether. Love all of your pics . but especially the dog ones . Hope you get your "rythym" back soon.
the new socks look great and as usual so does sam!
Glad to hear you are out of your sleeplessness (!?!) stupor. :-)
I know exactly what you mean about counting to five....some days it is just impossible!
Great sock! I know what you mean about feeling so tired, you feel like you're pushing through mud. Glad to know you are well rested now.
Du leidest bestimmt unter der sogenannten "Frühjahrsmüdigkeit". Kenne ich sehr gut, aber das gibt sich wieder. Deine neue Socke sieht prima aus, Jaywalkers? Das Garn passt toll zum Muster. Ich staune immer wieder, was Dir so alles in kürzester Zeit von der Nadel hüpft. Super. Wie schön, dass Ihr jetzt auch sonniges Wetter genießen könnt. Sam scheint es jedensfalls zu genießen.
I hope you are feeling better. Great looking sock. I love the photos...esp the dogs, they're adorable.
Oh, poor you - I so feel with you, getting too little sleep makes me react like a zombie too, I seem to be floating around on a cloud then and don't really realize what's going on - must be like on drugs I suppose ;( I hope you've caught up with your sleep by now!
I love your new socks, and my gosh, Sam is ever so beautiful!
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