As I was munching away on my Arugala Salad with radishes and carrots, with pumpkin seed oil on top and with a healthy amount of garlic (only people living alone can eat that much garlic), I was thinking of the blessings and the curse of the internet. Before you know it, you've spent hours surfing from one place to the next and (most of the time) it's all interesting. What this means for the knitter is that there has never been more inspiration out there as in this online time. You see stuff and you want to do it all! My to-do list is growing every day. It bothers me, because I can't seem to enjoy the process of making things anymore. Halfway through (at least), my mind is already comtemplating the next project and the next and so on. I feel restless doing just the ONE thing. It's even worse if I have more than one project going. People! I only have two hands, I can only knit this one piece at a time! It's not like I've just realized this right this minute, but it's never been as apparent as today. I don't want to be an automaton knitting for knitting sake. So, the conclusion is for me to take it easy and pause and smell the roses once in a while, try to enjoy the whole process even more.
Stop and smell the roses!;o)

Hallo Moni,
Die Häkelquadrate sehen toll aus. Die Farben sind wunderschön geworden. Ich bin gespannt, wie Deine Tasche zusammengenäht aussieht.
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland
Liebe Moni,
die Quadrate für Deine Häkeltasche oder Beutel sehen wunderschön aus. Die Farben gefallen mir sehr gut.
Wie alt ist Hannah eigentlich?
Liebe Grüße
I'm guessing that's the Mystery Blanket from the Knitters Almanac - the one where all the squares are done in the round, not bound off - and then kitchenered together. She showed it to some of her knitting friends and they couldn't figure out how she'd done it? Am I right?
Love the colors. Is that the same brand of yarn that you did the mod baby blanket in a while ago? I really love the look of that stuff - self striping yarns just make me happy! But I really don't like working with ACKrylic. Usually I just play around with spinning my own self-stripers.
Anyway - have fun!
Here here! I LOVE surfing for inspiration but I hate that, although I enjoy the process of creating for a short time, I can't stop thinking about what NEEDS to be made next. It's driving me batty at the moment. I'm spending too much on stash and not working on the umpteen UFO's I already have lying around the house. It's frustrating and exciting all at the same time. It's a love/hate thing for me.
Speaking of love.........I love the yarn you've used in those squares. Please tell us what it is. I'd also love to know if Abi is correct in guessing what the project is. I have all of EZ's books and love the way that woman thought. ;o)
Hallo Monika,
gerade habe ich auf dem Bild gesehen, daß Du die einzelnen Quadrate gestrickt hast, somit hast Du ja einen Strickbeutel gemacht. Das ist ja eine tolle Idee, gefällt mir sehr gut so.
Viele Grüße
Speaking of surfing and finding things that you want to knit - your log cabin - and the one you're starting - AND that purse!.....no time....no time....
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