Friday, June 30, 2006
A progress report is in order!

Very special delivery from Europe!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Happy Anniversary!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Curve of Pursuit and Courthouse Step

And there's this little thing, which I threw on this spikey bush and it grabbed it right away. This is going to be a Courthouse Step Blanket. I LOVE the yarn I'm using. It's Longmeadow from Valley Yarns bought at Webs. It's 60% cotton and 40% Microfiber -has a fantastic feel to it. It's soft but still substantial.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Warning! Log Cabin overload!

I've started my Log Cabin in April ' 06 and finished it on June 22nd, 2006. It's 53"x 56" big and I would have made it even bigger if I hadn't run out of yarn. The yarn is a mixture of superwash wool and 100% wool since I used up some of my stash. The last "log" of the border had 250 sts in one row (the center square started out with 21 sts). I've put a couple of black stripes on the dark side to pronounce it and some cream colored stripes on the lighter side as well and some rows with eyelets just to counteract the bordom of knitting miles of garter stitch. At the end I had just not enough of the orange left to finish the log so I used the cream yarn for more than a row. On the dark side I had to fudge as well but since it was with an existing colored yarn it's not too obvious.
I'm glad it's done and over with. And as you all know, the next blanket is already on the needles. See ya!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Summer begin!

A multidirectional scoop of sorbet anyone? I've made this as a gift and once again realized that I suck at blocking! By god, this is not a part of knitting I enjoy.
I've made this scarf with Watercolours by Estelle in this refreshing color. Only used up one skein and it is 5"X 53" after "blocking". (50% mohair 50% acrylic). This yarn felt funny in my hands. Not my favorite I must say. Anyway, doesn't it look delicious though?
This is the beginning of my new blanket project. All right, the Log Cabin is not quite finished, but I hope to get it done by tomorrow. I just couldn't resist this design and had to start it this morning. I'm using up stash (yarn: Endless Summer Collection Connemara - elann.com - 100% mercerized and gassed cotton). Didn't want to buy yarn for a blanket again. So we'll see how it turns out. It's a pattern called "Curve of Pursuit" by Pat Ashforth and her husband Steve Plummer. They are Mathematicians who design cool patterns for knitting. I even bought their latest book "No-Pattern Knits" which is very interesting.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Summer is slowing me down!

Besides playing around with the computer I was knitting up these three dishcloths just to try out some patterns and I wanted to do something easy. In the evenings I'm knitting away on the border of my Log Cabin. Just two more border-logs to go, but they'll take FOREVER!
Just in case you are wondering, the curtains are NOT progressing. I've also finished a little knitted gift for my One Skein secret pal and have to block it before I can take a picture. That's it on the knitting front.

Before I even had breakfast today, I was brushing Sam. This is the result from just ONE dog! And it's not all, I had about the same amount on my T-shirt and pants!
I brushed Biko after this too, I've got ONE brush full of hairs from her!!! - See the difference?
Friday, June 16, 2006
Some people pet their yarn!

Anyway - Artyarns SILK RHAPSODY has arrived!

To get back to my title. Guess what I'm doing right now?! With my right hand I'm pointing and clicking and with my left hand I'm petting the yarn!!! It doesn't look like it but it's sooooooooo soft!
The colores are pretty accurate. There's no white in it (which I would have liked), but I can live with that. It kind of reminds me of moss (or whatever that is), which grows on trees all over when they are old and maybe on the wheather side. It's silvery grey with green like this yarn. I've always liked the woods, they are cool (phantasizing about cool woodsy spots, since it's way to hot here for me.) That's why ...

I think this Silk Rhapsody could have come from one of my fir trees. I wish it would grow on the trees instead of those millions of pollinating fir cones.
I'm not quite sure what I'm going to knit with this yarn. It has to be something special since this yarn is very special to me.
Monday, June 12, 2006
My finished mystery project!

This is round two. Through my own fault I've lost this post and had to write it again. Yeah! Here it goes: This is my version of a crocheted bag. I found a picture of it on another blog, of course, and I fell in love with this colorful baggy. I don't like crocheting very much and deceided to knit the squares rather than crochet them. As it turns out, they stretch very easily in EVERY direction. I've used cotton/acrylic yarn called Kelly by King as a stash reducer. I steamed the seams into submission, but I think I've melted the acrylic in it. It's all shiny now! ;o)

I want to (have to) sew a lining for this bag, since I really want to use it myself. We'll see what old shirt will get sacrificed for this endeavor. It will be a horror session, that's for sure! I can't understand how somebody can make more than one of these bags. There's this German Lady Jutta who made alreday SIX !!! bags. Yeah, that's right. I admire that. It took me four days worth of knitting time for this ONE bag and it doesn't even have its lining yet.

I only wish I could have used a color/colors which I really LOVE instead of this yarn, but I had to make a dent in my stash. By the way, do you recognize the yarn? I've made the P90 for my daughter with it and had just enough left for the bag.
My hands almost fell off crocheting around the edges. My son asked me to calm myself, he couldn't take the cussing any more. ;o) Oh, and of course, taking advise for once, I've had to crochet the squares together as well, which was really the better option, since I suck in sewing knitted fabric.
For those who like crocheting and would love to give it a try, you can find the pattern here.
And - Yeah! - to me, it seems I've figured out to show links in text. It just takes me a little longer. ;o)
Mystery Project?

For some this will not be a mystery any longer. I've been working on it until late last night and will hopefully finish it today. So the mystery will be revealed tomorrow! ;o)

click on pictures to enlarge

Well, I'm not exactly great at blogging today. Look at the pictures! My sense of harmony and balance is greatly insulted, but I've been sitting here for longer than I wanted too. So, take it or leave it! My doggies enjoyed the 20 degree Celsius. Sam's love/hate for the snow shovel is apparent. He's looking at what Biko is doing. She's cooling off in the pool, after a vigorous play with the tennis ball. The water has approximately 12 degrees Celsius. Shudder!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

As I was munching away on my Arugala Salad with radishes and carrots, with pumpkin seed oil on top and with a healthy amount of garlic (only people living alone can eat that much garlic), I was thinking of the blessings and the curse of the internet. Before you know it, you've spent hours surfing from one place to the next and (most of the time) it's all interesting. What this means for the knitter is that there has never been more inspiration out there as in this online time. You see stuff and you want to do it all! My to-do list is growing every day. It bothers me, because I can't seem to enjoy the process of making things anymore. Halfway through (at least), my mind is already comtemplating the next project and the next and so on. I feel restless doing just the ONE thing. It's even worse if I have more than one project going. People! I only have two hands, I can only knit this one piece at a time! It's not like I've just realized this right this minute, but it's never been as apparent as today. I don't want to be an automaton knitting for knitting sake. So, the conclusion is for me to take it easy and pause and smell the roses once in a while, try to enjoy the whole process even more.

Thursday, June 08, 2006
Uuh? What happened here?

Somehow the sock knit itself, well I had to do the picot cuff twice and I still don't like it. It's too loose and not enough stretchy (this statement really makes sense). The sock itself is nice, fit's my foot perfectly, but - hey, this one's NOT for me! I hope it's not too big for my mom. Well, since the first one's done, I'm going to do the second one real quickly and maybe a few inches on the curtain too, to have something to show my DD. ;o)
Look what the mail brought TODAY! Oh well, better late than never.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Unanswered comments to my blog!
As promised-pictures!

Mom's socks. (foot model my daughter Hannah)

She has smaller feet than my mom. But, can you see the hearts? This is my self dyed yarn. I like it very much. Thank god the socks are too small for my big feet, because I think I would keep them otherwise. ;o)
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Wet dogs-happy dogs-stinky dogs-tired me!
He's in the right spot- on the A/C vents. Sam is now allowed to be in the backyard at the same time as Biko. I had to stop them from chasing each other though. It's still too much for his knee. At night, his limping is pronounced but all thogether it's not too bad.
And all this I show you, because I don't have any other pictures. I was knitting on my mother's sock, round and round, slow going, since I need a hook with parts of the lace pattern. But I enjoy it. Then, my daughter comes along and reminds me, that if I want to surprise my husband with the new front door curtains, I better get cracking! So I was swatching and ball winding and swatching some more. Finally I've decided on the pattern. It's slow going too! Can't seem to get in the groove with this thing. I like the colors. The yarn is a wool/silk/acrylic blend, smells bad and feels rough on my hands. Well, I'll show you tomorrow. I'm tired. Bye.
Monday, June 05, 2006
The Dulaan Project 2006! part 2

Saturday, June 03, 2006
Multidirectional "knit a wearable garment" contest news!
(scroll down to see more pictures of the tank top)

And this is the prize. It's Artyarns Silk Rhapsody, a silk/mohair blend. I've choosen this color. And yes, it's not orange for once. I'm getting tired of orange. But my second best loved color is green. Can't wait to get it. I'm going to make a shawl with it. Isn't it lovely?
All entries received the symmetrical flying V shawl pattern as well. Can't wait to make it, maybe even with the Silk Rhapsody. ;o)
The Dulaan Project 2006!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
I've not been idle!

The top of the back is not very professional, but hey, the rest looks good. I've made this top with Kelly by King yarn (cotton/acrylic blend) on 4.5 mm needles. I had it done in two evenings. I had to abandon my Log Cabin because it was too hot to have wool on your lap (around 40 dgree celsius). Today, as you can see, is much better, some clouds and the occassional thunderstorm.
Look what finally made it to our home. The impatiently awaited ball winder. Hannah is busy winding the yarn for her cardigan. The pattern is from "Knitting Nature". The yarn is Gems Sapphire 100% merino wool in the color 'sage'. But before I'm getting to knitting that asymetrical cardigan, I'm going to finish the Tropical Tee I'm making for myself. Just started it, so no pics yet.
I can't help it. I had to show you my self dyed sock yarn. I love the ball winder!