Last night, just before dark, the pups and I went into the backyard for a last run. I was standing there, Happy and Maggie beside me, when Denny started yapping, and I saw him chasing a bunny from one end of the backyard to the other. He was at least 2 meters behind the bunny at all times, no chance of getting close enough, and he knew it. He whined in frustration while running. Happy, Maggie and I were watching this with open mouths, it was funny.
But really, I'm pissed because of this suicidal bunny. Why, oh why does she have to have her babies in our backyard where there's always the possibility of three!!! dogs chasing her, and her offsprings? Early this summer, Denny found a nest, a badly made nest with two baby bunnies in them. For the next four days I tried to give the dogs space to run, but not go near that nest. The baby bunnies died anyway, with no fault of the dogs I might add. It made me sad.
Yesterday, Denny found another nest, totally inappropriate located out in the open, but at least with some bedding for the babies (no one home yet). Now I have to see that he doesn't dig it out every time we go outside, which is annoying. I don't want anyone getting hurt. Dumb Bunny mom. There's so many places outside our yard for nesting, but no, she needs to have some action in her life. Sigh. ~
O.K. back to knitting. I've finished this shawl back in April! Those of you on Ravelry might have seen it there already. I've got the pattern as a gift from the lovely Virginia. Thanks again! I love this pattern, and really would love to knit it again some day. It was fun from start to finish. Jared Flood writes great patterns.

pattern: Juneberry Triangle shawl by Jared Flood
yarn: Elann Peruvian Highland Wool, cheap wool, but this colorway is a lovely heathery color, which I love
I used 4.3 balls of yarn = 468.7yds
size: it's not the biggest of shawls: 25" x 53"
needles size: 4.5mm
start-finish: March 21 - April 6, 2012

♥ ♥ ♥
Das Tuch sieht fantastisch aus.
Love the JT in such a delicious color!! We, too, have had issues with bunny nests where Milo can get at the babies. He's even brought them in the house! Of course, they died and the sadness on my part was awful. We since corrected the issue, but it was sad, nonetheless.
Great job! So beautiful!
What a lovely shawl! And the colour!
I'm sure your bunny can't be more stupid than our pheasant who seems to forget that he has wings unless threatened by something. Here's a link to a short movie I made about it.
Bimbi x
Beautiful shawl! I love the color. We used to have lots of bunny nests in our yard too. Buddy and Ella always found them. Why do the moms always put nests in yards that clearly have dogs living there?
Very pretty! I have never tried any of his patterns, but might have to change that!
The shawl is beautiful, plus, I love the color!
Maybe the bunny is trying to get her own reality show by acting stupid and putting her children in danger . . .
Beautiful shawl! I'm so glad you're blogging again. Welcome back! Nice to see the pups.
Soooooo glad you're back, but understand the need to "take a break"! Beautiful shawl and of course, love the pups!
Welcome back - so happy! Love the shaw - gorgeous!
So pretty!
Gorgeous - and perfect for fall!
Awesome! I'm also slightly obsessed with orange so I think the colour's pretty great, too. But it's a lovely piece of work :-)
That's a beautiful shawl and I love the way the lace looks. You are such a good blocker. I am imagining you and Happy and Maggie looking as if you were at a tennis match, heads back and forth and Denny on the 'court'. Silly rabbit indeed.
That shawl is so gorgeous! I'm glad you enjoyed the pattern. I really loved that one.
Ooh la la! Beautiful! Nice work and love the color.
I keep favouriting that pattern, then deleting it, then going back to favourite it again. I think it needs to go back into my favourites, because it really does have lovely variation to it, and the colour you chose really shows it off. Gorgeous!
Wow! This is stunning! I'm an orange fanatic, so this is totally up my alley! :)
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