There is a spin along/knit along going on in the Nest group on Ravelry. I couldn't say no to it, so I joined in on the fun, grabbed Galactic Melt from my Nestfiberstudio stash, and some red Nestlets, and started spinning for socks. Did I mention the SAL/KAL is called Warm Toes?
Here's the fiber: Galactic Melt on Falkland, 4oz

and some Nestlets on BFL, and variegated BFL (Nestlets are 1oz balls from different colorways coming in one bag between 4-8oz I belief). I've used some of it, and had some red and yellow ones left over in the amount of 1.7oz.

I must admit I love the yarn I made from these:

I spun one skein for each sock, since I wouldn't have had space on the bobbin for 5.7oz in one go.

There's a little bit of yellow sticking out.

Here are both skeins: a total of 556yds, chain plied.

Next time I'll show you the finished socks!
Have a wonderful weekend!
♥ ♥ ♥
You mean, drooling Friday is back... sigh, you make such beautiful yarn! ;)
Oh those nestlets are so cute and the wool you made is just lovely. I am so glad you arm is better and Denny's tummy too.
Yay, you're healed! Your new yarn looks like candy and nestlets are a very clever idea.
Love how they turned out!
Great colours!! What a fresh combo.
Hope you and Denny are feeling 100% very soon!
Glad your arm is better. Continue to take it easy and before you know it, everything will be all fixed.
Love the yarn, such pretty blending.
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