A little sniff there.

Happy was in his element, when I rolled out the pool hose. He's the best pool boy EVER!

See Denny in the background? He hates to get wet like that.

That's why he was backing up slowly. Happy rather enjoys it.

He's really hard at work ...

... and very pleased with himself for detouring the water, where it shouldn't go.

A job well done.
Love those pups!!!!! :-)
It's always my pleasure to see your pups in action. Clearly Happy is the water dog, while Denny is (mostly) a land lover.
I'd take a pool boy like Happy over a human pool boy any day... now I just need a pool!
So very funny since I posted about how my pooch likes water, too! What a cutie HAPPY is!
The blossoms are so beautiful and who knew Denny has such a sensitive artistic aside?? Thank goodness Happy is on the job with that hose, who knows who it could have soaked!!
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