They had a KAL going on from January to the end of March, with prizes at the end. We only had to knit things with their lovely yarn, post the FO's and voila, you were in! So easy. As it happened I've knit a lot of things with Wandering Cat Yarns this year, and will continue to do so, simply because I like it, and they have so many different bases to chose from. Best of all is, that if I don't see anything I like in the shop (not likely), they will dye up custom dyed yarns. Just wonderful!
So, after the KAL was done I was a lucky winner! Looksy here what I've got:

I've been spoiled! I've got two of Valerie's lovely patterns, stitch markers, a much needed scissor, and the most wonderful yarn! I was lucky enough to be allowed to chose the base, which was Wandering Cat Yarn BFL sock, and Valerie dyed a special colorway for me. After unpacking the yarn, it took my breath away, it was so awesome. I wondered what it was called, and then my eyes popped out, because those two lovely redish yarns up there are called - Smoking Hot Needles! How cool is that?
I love the orange Wandering Cat Yarns Tabby Cat as well. I've got this base in different colors already, and I wanted it in orange too, but it was not in the shop. Once again, how cool is that?
Now I wish I had more than two hands, and/or could knit faster, to get all those lovely yarns on my needles.
Thank you so much, Rhonda and Valerie!
There will be a new Wandering Cat Yarns KAL soon. You'll find out more about it if you join the Wandering Cat Yarns group on Ravelry. I think it's called Summer of Socks, but I don't know any more details yet.
OHHHH lovely to have a colourway named after you. I may have to join that group seeing as I have a skein in my stash :)
Ich freue mich mit dir!!!
Verregnete Grüße Elfi
Congratulations Monika!
What wonderful gifts!
And to get a yarn named after you! Cool!
I would love to own some of that yarn, but unfortunately, I can't buy Wandering Cats here in Europe and buying from outside Europe is too expensive with the VAT and other taxes they charge at the border here if they spot commercial packages from non-European countries.
Lucky lucky! New yarn and even yarn named after you! You'll have a great time knitting it all up!
Oh wow!!! Congratulations! The yarn looks amazing! :D
Your very won colorway, how cool is that? What a prize package indeed!
Glad you like it. I can't wait to see what you knit up next. You're an inspiration to both of us.
Lovely! And what beautiful colors!
Beautiful! Congrats on the win. :)
I'm so glad you like it - I'm just working on the post for the KAL now
What an amazing package! Congrats on winning. :)
I'm not usually a fan of orange, but that orange yarn is STUNNING! What a great prize!
I think your title says it all!
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