My April socks were requested by Hannah for her boyfriend Sam. They were going camping over the Easter weekend. So I had to knit like the wind, and get them mailed asap. I didn't want to be slowed down by looking at charts etc. and opted for plain socks, were I could just knit. I did look through my sock books to find a pair suitable for men, but I didn't find anything I really liked. I also don't know Hannah's boyfriend personally. So what do you knit for somebody you don't know? The color grey always seems right I think, and since he's an Artist, I thought he would not mind some orange stripes as well.

For me not to get bored I've added a seed stitch panel on the sides of the socks. These and looking forward to the stripes kept me entertained, and going. I don't know why but they flew off my needles.

Needless to say, the socks arrived in Australia on time, with time to spare. I wish I could have kept them for myself, I'm just smitten with those orange stripes, but I can always knit myself another pair. Although I doubt, that I will knit exactly the same pair twice.

BTW- this was his first warm pair of handknit socks. Don't imagine he'll need that many in Australia. But if he does, I'll gladly knit some more.

pattern: just made it up as I knit
yarn: grey: Cascade Yarns Heritage Sock Solid, first time I've used this yarn for socks, and I loved knitting with it. No idea yet how it will hold up, but I'm definitely going to use it again.
orange left over : Wandering Cat Yarns
needles: 2.5mm
size: mens 10 1/2
start-finish: April 4-6

Here's April's handspun yarn. Measuring months by what I've spun, seems to make them go by so quickly!

Happy kept jumping into one of the trees we've planted last summer. Headfirst on his hind legs, he would stick his nose into it. I did suspect something birdy in there, so I looked and found a Robin's nest with those lovely Robin blue eggs in it. I'm trying to keep him from going there, every chance he'll get, but he's very persistent.
I must say, my boys have developed into real Jackass bird hater! Denny started it. Happy never minded them before, but now they chase everything with feathers off the property with a vengeance. They have lots to do, since we have Cardinals, Crackles, Robins nesting in our garden, and probably something else too. The other day there was a Mallard in our pool, and the boys freaked out. I thought this duck would be dinner. He never came back, smart boy.
Beautiful socks,
beautiful yarn
beautiful eggs and
beautiful photos!
Great socks! Funky and functional.
.... deine neuen Herrensocken gefallen mir sehr gut - darf ich deine Musteridee "mopsen" und auch so ein paar in der Art für meinen GöGa stricken??
Liebe Grüße von Eva Germany
Of my two, Bil has always hated birds (especially waterfowl actually on water) and chases them with great noise and thumpings. From my point of view I don't mind as they come back easily when called and birds are very hard to catch; they've not managed it yet.
Awesome socks! Really cool idea with the orange stripes, they make the socks!
Fabulous socks - love, love, love the stripes. According to my sister, the Cascade Heritage holds up well.
Yes, we do wear handknit socks in winter in Sydney, Australia. My family love them - might have something to do with the notoriously bad heating in Australian houses.
wow. i absolutely LOVE those socks. such simple details! yet so effective.
i love heritage! in my experience it's very durable.
love the touch of orange stripes. they're perfect.
Love it all!
Those eggs has just a marvellous colour.
Da soll noch einmal jemand sagen graue Socken sind langweilig...
Superschön sind Deine Socken geworden!!
Begeisterte Grüße von Heike
Realy great socks! Grey with orange looks wounderfull!
The pop of orange on the gray looks great! Those eggs are so pretty. I wonder if the pups realize that if they chase off the birds, there will be no more entertainment.
Like the socks!
Love them! Everything should have orange stripes.
Beautiful socks. The touch of orange is just enough and really compliments the grey.
The robin eggs are gorgeous. Even though we frequently see the birds I haven't see a nest in years.
Love the socks! Funny how a small detail can really make them pop! Plus, huge fan of orange!
Love the socks with the bit of orange on it! And the robin eggs are so pretty. :)
Fantastic socks ,love the orange stripes ! I'm sure he was pleased with them .
These are such beautiful socks. I love them. Marianne
Very smart looking socks...I'm sure Hannah's friend will love them :)
The socks look so elegant. Great job!
You would be surprised about how popular hand knitted socks are in Australia! And my husband wears them every day :)
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