"Pie for Everyone", Spunky Eclectic Fiber Club, November 2007, 131yds, 9WPI, Falkland.
and for spinners amongst my readers:

"Magic Mushroom", Dyed in the wool Handmade", 100% Blue Faced Leicester, 4oz
To qualify please leave a comment, and specify if you are a knitter or spinner. I'll do the draw some time coming weekend.
And now, lets celebrate, and have some cake!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Have a fantastic day!
I'm both but I don't do much spinning these days.
Happy Birthday! What kind of cake are you having? Or are you having lots of different cakes? I guess I'll say I'm spinner though your handspun is gorgeous!
Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you have a wonderful day- maybe your kitchen will come?? I bet The Boys will make you breakfast in bed!!
Liebe Monika,
ich wünsche Dir alles Liebe und Gute zu Deinem Ehrentag. Möge das nächste Jahr reich an Gesundheit, Glück und Wolle sein. *lach*
Ich spinne und stricke, daher hast Du die Wahl, falls Du meinen Namen ziehst.
LG von Jule
Happy birthday Monika! I'm glad that you are slowly getting back into the renovated rooms. They look terrific!
I'm much rather win fiber.
Happy Birthday, Monika!
I'm very grateful for your Have a Heart Scarf free pattern! I've made a scarf for a friend of mine and now it's her favorite! You can look at it here: http://www.ravelry.com/projects/svetam/have-a-heart-scarf.
Wish you lots of brilliant ideas!
Meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche zu deinem Geburtstag, liebe Monika!
Möge dir das neue Lebensjahr nur viele schöne Dinge bescheren!
Alles liebe und Gute wünscht dir ZiZi, Strickerin und Spinnerin *zwinker*
Happy birthday (knitter)
Happy Birthday Monika!!
Hope you have lots of cake :)
The yarn is beautiful!
Happy birthday to you - I hope the boys get some cake too. I have really enjoyed watching Denny grow up from a little monster into a big one!
Happy birthday Monika!!!
I’m a Portuguese knitter and I would love, love, love to win these.
Dear Monika,
Happy Birthday to you!
And only for you a little song:
"Am Fenster heute morgen,
da piepst es ohne Sorgen.
Die Spatzen und die Meisen,
ja was soll denn das heissen?
Die Spatzen und die Meisen,
ja was soll denn das heißen?
Sie haben's uns gefüstert,
jetzt wissen wir's ganz genau:
Die Monika hat Geburtstag,
darum der Radau!
Die Monika hat Geburtstag,
darum der Radau! "
Alles Liebe von far far away
I am a spinner :)))) (newly) happy happy happy birthday...
Lovely colour, again... And I, I am a knitter.
And by he way, a hug to boys.
Hallo Monika,
... na da will ich mal die erste sein und in dein Lostöpfchen springen - aber ich müßte mich schon bei den Strickerinnen melden - spinnen mit den Händen kann ich noch nicht - nur ein bissy mit dem Kopf :-) :-)
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschen Landen
sendet dir Eva
Liebe Monika, Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag!!!! Fühl Dich nicht verpflichtet mich mit in den Verlosetopf zu tun, das Porto nach Deutschland ist dann doch zu hoch. Ich wollte Dir nur recht herzlich gratulieren und Dir danken, dass Du mich immer so mit Deinen Posts erfreust. Also nochmal, liebe Grüße immer viel Schaffenskraft und Gesundheit! Herzlichst Heike
First one - Happy Happy Birthday to you.
Knitter Li
Happy Birthday!!!
And how lovely! If that's your beginning work, I'm so impressed! I'm an old time knitter who is just learning to spin, but I'm still at the point I would prefer yarn over roving.
Have a great day celebrating!
pretty yarn! I would love to win this! I'm a knitter!
Hyvää syntymäpäivää! Onnea! as we say here in Finland. Happy birthday!
Hey, herzlichen Glueckwunsch, liebe Monika!!! Alles Liebe und Gute fuer Dein neues Lebensjahr!!!
Obwohl ich seit fast zwei Jahren ein Henkys hier "zur Schau" stehen habe, bin ich immer noch eindeutig Strickerin.
Liebe Gruesse
von Birgit
happy happy birthday, M!
Happy Birthday or Tillykke med Fødselsdag as we say in Danish!
I am a knitter and a spinner, so I would be happy with either.
Happy Birthday! Have a great day!!
Happy Birthday. Have a wonderful day. I am a knitter who hopes to be a spinner someday.
Happy Birthday, Monika!! Enjoy your cake, you deserve it after all that renovating.
BTW, I am a knitter, just in case I get lucky.
Happy Birthday Monika! I am a knitter, but I have also been enjoying the story of your renovations - your house looks great. Have a great day!
Have a wonderful day! Relax and enjoy your beautiful home, and snuggle with the puppers. Ahhhh....bliss!
I'm a spinner, although knitting with your handspun would be a delight!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Monika!
Beides, aber wenn ich wählen müsste, lieber die Spinnfaser (bloss eine Anfängerin, allerdings)
Happy Birthday! I'm a November baby too. I've always had mixed feelings about being born at this time of the year.
I'm a knitter and a spinner.
Monika I had no idea you and T were sooo close in birthday! We would love to celebrate with you!! Hope you enjoy your cake, T won't be getting hers until sunday!
Happy happy day! :)
I hope you have a truly awesome day.
Happy birthday!! How lucky to have a birthday on a holiday!
I don't spin, just knit. :)
Happy Birthday Monika! You share a birthday with my niece so now I will remember you both on this day!
Eleven Eleven - Super Special B'Day. Many Happy Returns from a knitter in Kentucky.
Happy Anniversary of your birth! I'm only a knitter, but I love your handspun yarns!
Happy Birthday! I'm going to have some cake in your honour!
And of course - if you pick me.. I'm a knitter!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. I'm a spinner.
Happy birthday, Monika!
i have a skein of that same yarn from spunky eclectic. it really takes me back. (and also reminds me i should probably use that yarn someday) love the colors in the fiber!
it's nice of you to host a giveaway on your birthday. many happy returns to you.
Happy birthday Monika!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!
That is very impressive spinning for "early spinning"! Beautiful.
I am both a knitter and a spinner.
Happy Birthday! I hope all your wishes come true!
Nancy the spinner :)
Happy Birthday! Hope the pups treat you right...
I'm a knitter, and I'm seeing soem fabulous mittens for my Mom in that beautiful wool.
Have a wonderful birthday in your new space. Sorry the kitchen isn't ready -- but it will come.
Knitter and spinner. Probably do more spinning these days.
I hope you have a very Happy birthday!!!
I am both but am more in love with spinning now.
Happy Birthday. I knit.
Happy Birthday Monika!
What a nice little giveaway. I love to knit, knit, knit.
I hope you get break from moving back in to spend some quality time with your fiber today :o)
Happy Birthday!!!!!!! I'm definitely a knitter. I have tried spinning, but it usually ends with the fiber spun into the carpet or my hair!
Happy Happy Birthday! Enjoy your cake, hope you get spoilt.Hope you keep your Autumn a little while longer..I love the colours of your handspun and it looks beautifully spun.
Happy Birthday Monika! Enjoy the cake and hope you can get a little "you" time today . All the best !
Happy birthday! I'm a knitter and hope you choose me!
Happy birthday!!! The yarn is lovely! Im knitter, and really hope i'll be lucky!
Happy Birthday! One of the best things about unpacking is that everything is new again!
Liebe Monika!
Alles Gute zu deinem Geburtstag!
bei Wolle aus Amerika, da möcht ich doch auch dabei sein!(Gesponnen bitte)
eine schönen Resttag noch für dich.
Have a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY! Do what makes you the happiest!
Thanks for sharing your day with us. I'm a knitter.
Happy Birthday to you. Mine is the 23rd.I am not a spinner, but I'm a knitter........
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to you! Wow! Look at all the birthday comments!
I'm a spinner but I love your handspun too!
Happy Birthday to a fellow November knitter. Hope you are able to enjoy it.
Happy Birthday!
Have a great day with your loved ones and friends!
I love your magic mushroom fibre!
Happy Birthday from New Zealand!! :)
Thankyou for all your beautiful photos of Happy and Denny as well as the fantastic yarn and knitting projects.....I have really enjoyed your house renovations too and love the green you chose!
I am a knitter and crocheter but not a spinner....yet!
Happy cake day!
Happy Birthday :-)
Hope You have a wonderful evening!
Love that yarn (I'm a knitter).
Love from Anna-Karin
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is awesome! I'm a knitter, trying to learn to spin. Your spinning is amazing.
Happy Birthday!!!!
I'm a spinner.
wish you a fantastic day!
Happy Birthday! I am a spinner and a knitter. Sometimes I even knit what I spin!
Happy birthday Monika. It would be nice to win the yarn. Here at work, the birthday person brings in a cake or dessert, and it's a great way to celebrate.
Wow!! the yarn colour is gorgeous... I'm a knitter who loves texture & colour...
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
Happy Birthday! That is some gorgeous yarn.
Happy Birthday! I hope your cake is delicious and that you have a lovely day!
Both a spinner and a knitter! :)
Happy happy birthday Monika! I'm a knitter hoping to learn how to spin next year! But for now, I knit.
woolyknitsnbits at live dot ca
Happy birthday! Hope your day is fantastic!
I'm both a spinner and a knitter!
A very happy birthday from this knitter. What gorgeous colors!
Happy Birthday Monika!
I hope your day with family and the furry puppeh family has been great!
Happy Birthday Monika. You know we love your handspun. Knitter here.
Hey happy birthday!!!!! here is still 11th so here is stil your day.
Big hug i hope you had a wonderful day
Id love to win that fiber, im learning to spin with a drop spindle
Happy Birthledadle tooooodddlleee youdle doodle.
Happy B'day 2 Ewe, Happy B'day 2 Ewe. I'm a knitter who would LOVE to knit up your yarn!
Happy Birthday Monika, and many happy returns, from a knitter.
Marianne Z
Happy birthday from a knitter!
Happy Birthday, Monika!!
Did you have a cake? We had b-day cake here - one of my children's birthday is today.
Froeliche Geburtstag! and thanks for writing :-)
Happy Birthday! Wishing you and your family health and happiness. Thanks for writing :-)
Happy Birthday!!! Your is just a week after mine! Thanks for sharing - and I'm a knitter!
Happy Birthday, hope you have a wonderful day. I'm a spinner and knitter, but I'd rather the fibre should I win.
Happy Happy Birthday and many returns of the day :)))) Definitely there should be cake to celebrate!!!!
That's such a beautiful skein and how generous to gift away ~ as you know I'm a huge fan of your spinning and even more so now that I'm actually knitting away on my first sampling! Lovin it :))))
Happy Birthday. Love seeing dog pix. I am a spinner.
Happy birthday! I'd love to put my name in for the knitting prize.
Hallo Monika,
... ich noch einmal - leider habe ich ganz vergessen dir auch ganz herzlich zu gratulieren - aber ich bin im englischen ja nicht so gut und deshalb habe ich zwar alles gelesen aber falsch verstanden - anscheinend hattest du Geburtstag und ich habe verstanden - du fühlst dich als ob du Geburtstag hättest - na wie auch immer - heute noch einmal ganz viele liebe Wünsche von mir!!
Liebe Grüße Eva
ups, forgot to mention that I'm a knitter and that I can't get my eyes off your 'pie for everyone', it looks delicious!!!
ups, forgot to mention that I'm a knitter and that I can't get my eyes off your 'pie for everyone', it looks delicious!!!
Happy Birthday - what an amazing year you have had with the house reno and the pups!
I am a knitter & love your yarn!
Die besten Wuensche zum Geburtstag! (Ich habe meinen am 8ten gefeiert...der Jahrgang ist ein Geheimnis)! I've learned how to spin with a spindle this last summer and enjoyed it but still am more of a knitter.
Gruesze aus Indiana.
I Monika! As you know...I am a kninner: knitter and spinner...either one would be fun to have :)
Happy Birthday. Kitter all the way. Please pick me.
Howdy Monika! Happy belated birthday from Arizona, where it does not feel like fall at all.....
Your yarns are beautiful, I am a knitter only. Hugs and have a great birthday weekend.
Liebe Landsmännin, ich wünsche dir alles Gute zu deinem Geburtstag.
Lass es dir richtig gutgehen!
Und du brauchst mich auch nicht in den Lostopf werfen-das Porto ist ja wirklich....
LG Ingrid
Absolutely gorgeous! I am a knitter and Happy Birthday
I hope you have a wonderful day! I'll make a birthday wish for you - I wish your kitchen will be complete soon! I'm a knitter...but a 'wanna be' spinner. I have bought my first drop spindle. Now I just need someone to teach me to use it!
Happy Birthday!
~Mrs. A.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und alles Gute! Ich wünsche dir noch ganz viel Spaß in deinem neu renovierten Haus und vor allem mit deinen Hunden!!
Falls die Wahl auf mich fällt, würde ich mich über den Kammzug sehr freuen.
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland
How cool! Happy birthday. I've just learned drop spindle, so I'd be interested in the yarn as it will get used this decade and the roving I'll only pet. :)
...and to think that I almost left it at a Ravelry Birthday wish! I would have missed out on a chance at some fabulous handspun.
Hugs for the puppies, I am certain they celebrated with you in style.
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Hope you have a wonderful day!
I'm a knitter, and only a knitter. Don't scare me by talking about "spinning" unless you mean the kind where you get dizzy after :)
Congrats and Happy Birthday. My friend Ricardo's birthday was also on 11/11, which is appropriate since he is a Marine!
I am a knitter and love beautiful yarn!
I am a knitter who loves knitting with handspun. Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a wonderful day :)
Happy Belated Birthday!! Hope you had a marvelous day!
Knitter or spinner . . .both, throw me in whichever one you like! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUU! Hope you had a wonderful day and are heading into a special birthday weekend! I'm a spinner and a knitter and I love the subtle coloring of that roving.
Happy birthday!! I hope it's been really lovely, and you've found time for lots of fibre fun, even if it's just continuing to organise those fantastic shelves ;-)
I knit, and I wish that I could spin - it was even on my list of things to learn this year, but a newborn seems to have gotten in the way - but at this point in time I'm a knitter only. It's a good thing knitting is so much fun!!
well by now it's belated, but happy birthday! :)
Happy Birthday Monika!! I hope you had a great day, you also share the day with my cousin!
Mostly I'm a knitter, but what a wonderful excuse to pull the wheel out again!!
LOOK at all your birthday wishes! Woo hoo. And here is mine to add to the chorus.
What a very good son getting you that yummy cake.
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