Friday, May 30, 2008
It's Sam's Birthday!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wasabi pot holder!

The second pot holder (since you need two, I had to make another one), I wanted to go faster. I chained the same amount in the beginning, but it came out 2 inches larger, because single crochet is not as tight as just slip stitches. Here I could put it down whenever, and pick it up and continue. It still took longer than I thought. I used 1 1/2 balls for this one. I made it as pouch as well, it's about the same thickness, a bit handier, because of it's size: 8"x8". I'm glad it's done.
Of course, being that color, which reminded me of wasabi, led to the chop sticks, and fortune cookies. :o)
Now I have only the Queen Anne's lace shawl on my needles, but I found something to make today, which I did NOT know I needed either. It's Tracy's fruit sock. But it will be a fast in-between knit. Getting right on it.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The next colorway was the blue one, where I had only 2 ounces left, after the over twist disaster. Made these socks with it.
So here's another green, which I call "Loden". When I saw the finished yarn, it reminded me of an old coat I had, a long time ago.

I was surprised that the fiber was easy to spin. I kind of expected it to be sticky in parts, but it was easy to draft and spin. I LOVE the different greens in this skein.
It's 307yds navajo plied. As I mentioned in a previous post, I've started to do navajo plying a little different, and it turned out so much softer. It's hard to explain how I do it, you'd have to see it. I'm glad I experimented with it.

Here you can see a bowl full of drafted fiber. Sam's hard at work guarding it. It was a nice sunny day, when I took this picture. Late afternoon, since the sun was coming in as it is. I was knitting something (can't remember what), and the dogs were snoozing peacefully, very nice scenario, and relaxing too.

Friday, May 23, 2008
Queen Anne's Lace shawl ...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Too cold!
I never thought I would say that, but it's too cold! I've never felt so cold throughout all of winter. This year, we have a wonderful Spring, exactly as it should be, but it's too cold. I've been turning the heat on and off, and finally off for good, sometime last week, but I should have waited. Now I'm too stubborn to turn it on again, but really, what's the matter? We have 15 C in the house. This morning they say, it was 2C outside, now we are up to 15 C I guess. At least the sun is shining, for now.

Here's my boy, enjoying being outside. We had a rough few days. Yesterday we celebrated Victoria Day, and the fireworks started around Thursday night. He's so frightened, and I feel helpless, because I can't make him understand, that it's nothing, and it will be over, eventually. The first two nights we were out, walking the dogs, and he was fine. I guess all those interesting smells distracted him. But once we got home, he went straight down to the basement to hide.

So, next up is Canada Day, were we will go through the same thing.
Biko doesn't care at all about the noise.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I'm free!

Thursday, May 15, 2008
That's what 1 kg Cotswold looks like!

Biko's up to no good, and Sam's just happy to be reunited with his Jolly ball, simple pleasure!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Have a Heart socks!

This is our first wet dog picture of the year. The pool has been opened last Saturday. It was way too cold, and nasty weather, for even thinking of jumping in. She did the first time on Sunday, but today I took a picture of her hanging out on the balcony to dry off a little. This also means that from now until October she'll never get quite dry, and will increase to smell of wet dog, until she'll get her first of many, shampoo bath.
When she jumped in Sam was hiding as far away as possible. We had to hose him down last week, when he as more black than white, from all the mud, and I think he has not forgiven us for that. Also he gets really upset, when Biko jumps in. He runs back and forth, and comes to me, stands behind me, looking out to see how she's doing. He'll never understand how she can enjoy it.
I've been spring cleaning, not so much the house, as my computer. The favorite bar was getting too long, and I cleaned out a lot of links. I had links to websites, which were interesting, and to which I wanted to get back to read some more, but never did. Now I have only blogs left, which I read frequently. I've also taken stock of my projects. You know, I'm getting very uncomfortable, when there are more then one. I've decided to rip the Else's shawl. I really don't need a garter stitch shawl, even though I think the original is stunning because of the colores. I'm going to use the yarn for some other shawl.
I'm working on my tapestry crochet bag, and the double knitting scarf, AND I've started a crochet pot holder. I don't know why I'm drawn to slow going projects, the pot holder is Bosnian crochet, where you do only slip stitches, which takes forever! But I can take this easily outside, when I'm in the garden. I really DO need a pot holder, or better two, which makes more sense, but the other one, will NOT be the same, or it will never get done.
I have not spun at all the last week. I finished up my Cotswold project, which is finally all done. Now I have to decide what to spin next. Too many choices.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Small Knits - Basket Liner!

You'd like to know more about the lovely coffee pot, and cup, and saucer? Well, when we came to Canada, we drove around in the country side, to get a feeling of where we are. One day, there was a barn with an "Antique" sign on it. I wanted to know what goes for Antiques around here, so we went in. I was not looking for anything specific, just browsing, when I saw a lovely set of dessert plates, cups, and saucers, a sugar bowl, and the coffee pot. When I turned it over it said "Made in Austria"! Can you believe it? I had to have it. Imagine coming from Austria, and finding this in a barn in the middle of nowhere. :o)
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Mohana shawl is available now!

yarn: 2.5 skeins fingering sock yarn, mediumweight, Dyed in the Wool Handmade
needles: 4mm ciruclar
size after blocking: 45 inches by 80 inches (blogger is being funny and doesn't let me use the other keys)

Monday, May 05, 2008
Scarves from the Heart

You'll find the free pattern here. Hope you'll enjoy it, and are moved to knit one for "Scarves from the Heart"?! Shelly also told me that there's a group on Ravelry as well.
After I took pictures for the pattern, I had planned to paint this scarf. I'm not sure I like it better painted, but it sure was a lot of fun.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Last time, I promise!