Saturday, March 08, 2008


My creation

It's snowing heavily today, as was expected from what the weather forecast was telling us. Earlier in the morning we went for a walk. I enjoy this kind of weather, and so do the dogs. Not so much the rest of the family. Here they are on the balcony, not quite knowing what to do, so they dug their noses deep into the snow, inhaled and sneezed. After a few times back and forth, they came inside. Now it's time for tea, and some fibering. I'm not going to do anything else today.


Sue J. said...

Great pictures of your "kids." They look like they are having so much fun. Biko looks good, too. Give them a smooch for us.

lexa said...

They do look like they're having fun! We are having heavy rainfall today and about +10C today.

Margaret said...

Now those look like happy puppies! Our old dog hated the rain, but loved snow. She would roll and roll and make snow angels.

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

Beautiful photos. So nice to see Biko out and about looking her old self. Snow, tea and fiber activites - what a perfect day!

Anonymous said...

Oh, they look like they are having so much fun!!!

shannon said...

i love the howling sam. too cute. they are just beautiful creatures!

josie's about to be sad because we are heading to phoenix on monday and she's heading to the vet's to be boarded for a few days.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great pictures of Sam and Biko in the snow!! They look so happy, and maybe noisy or yawny- can't tell!!! Anyway, they look like it is fun!!

La Cabeza Grande said...

Seeing Sam and Biko in the snow like that makes me happy, too!

Kris B said...

Very nice pictures, they just look like they belong in snow.

KSee said...

Your dogs are beautiful!

DAWN said...

I think this is what white german shepherds like best. SNOW!

Viktoria said...

So Cute! nothing cheers you up like happy dogs...

sharon said...

My kids don't want to play in the snow we got - about 3 feet in spots. The dogs look so happy.

hakucho said...

You got snow, we got rain. Good thing you have a couple of snow dogs!! Love your photos :)

Cecie said...

schneehasen, wie toll! *lach*

hier ist übrigens heute tollstes frühlingswetter mit strahlendem sonnenschein. so wirklich schnee hatten wir dies jahr gar nicht. sieht ziemlich irreal aus, für mich, bei dir ;o)

T-Mom said...

I love these snow-dog pictures! I'm real glad Biko's getting well so fast.

Violiknit said...

Lovely pics of Sam and Biko!