I was not sure what to blog about today. Oh, sure, I've got one FO to show you, and some handspun yarn too, but I just didn't feel like it today. Did you know that it was Mothers Day in Great Britain yesterday? I'm glad there is such a day, and I'm always for remembering my mom and grandmother on this day, whatever date it is, but I don't like to celebrate it on a certain day for myself. I think every day should be mothers day, and I don't necessarily mean to be given gifts, which cost money, but with words, and actions. My kids tell me, they love me almost every day, and that means much more to me, than gifts. Oh wow, way off topic here.
Alright, moving on to my actual theme today. This past weekend I had it in my head to do something specific, but could not get it to work. For two days I was grumpy, and didn't even realize it, until my son asked me, if my knitting wasn't going too well. That stopped me in my tracks. He was right, of course. There are so many projects I want to do, which is fine, but this particular project was all mine, and I couldn't get it started. A lot of swatching was involved.
That's when I stumbled upon my copy of "Creative Knitting" in my bookshelf (got to love it). Creative Knitting by Mary Walker Phillips was in my possession for some time now. It's not a pattern book, there are some stitches explained, but it's a wonderful book nevertheless! I've looked through it many times, and did not take away anything useful for me. The time was just not right. This time however, it was my liberation! I started to read, thought of the one yarn (some Louet linen/mohair blend) in my stash which was perfect, grabbed it, and a circular needle as well; cast on, started knitting, with no plans, or pattern in mind, just to knit as I felt like it. I learned new stitches, and even though I've not come too far with this, it helped me to get the other project started. As soon as I freed myself from my own pressure, it all fell into place. It's wonderful! You should take the time and just knit without the rigidness of patterns, for a change. It feels good! I think especially knitting is very much bound by rules, and how-to's, which is necessary if you want something you knit to fit. But it gets boring too. You do all the same things over and over, a certain way, and with time and many repeats, you might feel like a knitting machine. That's another reason why I like to learn new knitting skills from time to time.
I like knitting a lot, but getting stuck is not so much fun. This creative knitting made me unstuck, and I'm so very happy because of it, and thankful for this book. I also found out about myself, that I'm having a hard time to ignore my need for symmetry, and order in my knitting. I think in the end this need will take over again, but for now I'm trying not to let it be "the boss of me"! :o)
Well, as I said, I've not come far with this, and I think I'll use it to work on it, whenever I get the "being stuck" feeling again.
And as for the doggies: This time it's Sam's turn in the new bed. Biko is just happy to sleep beside it.

On Saturday she overdid it a bit, and had to take it easy yesterday. I'm real jumpy when it comes to yelps (heart stopping really) from either of my pups, because it's no good news. Sam overdid it earlier last week as well, and was limping real bad for a day. Sometimes I forget that even though they are so energetic and happy to run around, they are gimpy dogs, with lots of surgery behind them. Well, all is well right now, and I hope it will stay that way for a long time.
Heh heh...tease everyone with a book they can't get....shame on you, tsk tsk. LOLOLOL It's one of my go to books also. MWP's Creative Knitting and Debbie New's Unexpected Knitting, both are worth their weight in gold. Another that is on my list is the Batsford Book of Crochet.(oops I just did it too, this book is difficult to get! lol) Can't beat these books for inspiration!
Yeah for becoming unstuck! Sounds like a book we all should have!
That's a pretty yarn to play around with - I wonder what project you are starting that requires so much swatching? I've tagged you with a meme - I've never seen one on your blog and thought it would be fun to learn some odd facts about you!
Isn't it funny how you can have something and it doesn't speak to you until the time is right? I love sleepy dogs!
I know how that feels, having the perfect project but not the right yarn, or the right yarn and can't find the perfect pattern for it.
I love your beautiful green knitting!!! Here, Mothers' Day is in May, and I agree that it should be a 'Day' every day!! I still like to send my mum something special though. Glad Biko and Sam are reasonably OK!!! Poor gimps!!!
I so need to get one of those beds for Jewel! She got her stitches out today, not a peep. Didn't even know the vet did them til she said she was all done.
Yes, gimpy dogs must take it easy! They think they're puppies. Glad that they're both doing better.
Oooh, I have Creative Knitting! It's kind of different. It is fun to have a book that all of a sudden sparks something. Glad to hear it made you happy to knit!
Good for you with your creative knitting...very liberating :)
Looks like Sam needs his own bed...sure looks comfortable :)
I'm glad to hear that the Creative Knitting book helped you out. The knitting in your picture is lovely. It looks so airy and soft.
Sam and Biko look very comfortable. Glad to hear everything is well with them.
i love that lace! i've been a bit more tempted lately to try my hand at knitting something lovely and lacy. you are one of the reasons i've been tempted! :)
glad to hear the pups are feeling better, but i understand the feeling of being on the edge about every yelp...
oh i love the new bed puppy picks
i get chills when there is a yelp.
huck only yelps for pain even he cannot hid
I enjoy your blog and the pictures of Biko and Sam. I am a knitter and have a White Shepherd. I adopted Jake from a local humane society when he was 4 months old and had no idea that he would grow into a 110 lb. Shepherd. I love him dearly, could only love him more if he didn't shed 24/7. My other dog is a pure bred brown dog, Emma - she recently had surgery for a torn ligament and has avoided stairs since the surgery.
Colleen in Kansas City
Sounds like great book!
Sam and Biko are so cute!
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