A few weeks ago, while I was reading
Hege's blog I found the link to
Mauds Garn in her side bar. Of course I followed it, even though I don't understand Norwegian, but one can look at pictures, no? Well, I found a picture of this gorgeous shawl, and I wanted to make one with the same colorway very badly. As you can see, I'm now proud owner of some more yarn, which came with the shawl instruction in Norwegian. I don't think I'll need it though. It's a very basic shawl, made beautiful with the yarn and the crochet edging. I'm not going to make the flower though, but I like the tassel. If all that would not have been enough, through a mistake, I got the yarn just for the cost of shipping, and even with my pointing that out to Maud several times, she let me have it. Wow. Another side effect of ordering from Europe is, that the parcels arrive faster than from the US or even within Canada, it's unbelievable, but true. I'm looking forward to knit up this lovely shawl. Hope to get to it very soon.
(I took the picture from Maud's website).
Just the cost of shipping! That's very cool. I like the flower - you might want to wait to make a decision on that until you are done with the shawl. The crochet edgeing also adds a nice finish. Enjoy :)
You find some of the neatest yarns and patterns. I'm sure you'll whip this out in no time.
Pretty! I like the tassel AND the flower. ;-)
Beautiful colours!
And how lucky you are getting it just for the shipping ;) And yes, it do take longer time to receive packages from US than it takes for packages from Norway to get to US...
Just ask me if there is anything you need help to translate.
Looking forward to see it done - and I have to take a look at Muds Garn, haven't been there for a while...
Have a great weekend!!
What a find! It's going to be lovely. The tassle is quite cute.
I really like that yarn. I love the color and how it fades from one color to the next. That's nice that you got it for just the cost of shipping.
you lucky theng...the shawl looks so warm and cosy and the yarn looks squishy and round!
Na, wenn das kein wirkliches Schnäppchen ist. Tolle Geste aus Norwegen. Da wirst Du wahrscheinlich nicht das letzte Mal bestellt haben, auch wenn Du das nächste Mal den vollen Preis wirst zahlen müssen, gell?
Der Schal sieht schön aus mit dem toll verlaufenden Farben, die Häkelkante wäre dazu nicht ganz so mein Fall aber die Blüte.
Bin gespannt auf Deine Version.
Viel Spaß beim Stricken und liebe Grüße aus Europa ;-))
It is so very beautiful in its simplicity! The colour progression and the tassel. Even the petite fleur add just the right sweet touches.
Die Wolle und das Tuch sind wunderwunderschön !!
Ach ich liebe diese Farbkombination so sehr :-)
It's the colors that make the shawl, that's for sure. Have fun with it.
I totally love the colors of the shawl & yarn! Rich and inviting! Amazing how generous some sellers are, eh? Awfully nice to let you have the yarn! Lucky gal!
Ooh, that looks like a fun and beautiful knit! How wonderful about the discount!
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