It's time for a little "whine fest", with lots of self pity, and teeth grinding. There are 40 squares, each has 4 ends to weave in = 160 ends. Not so bad, really, the bad thing is sewing those damn things together!!! Would somebody please shoot me? Why, why I ask you why?

This was my last square, it's not as nice looking as some of the squares, but it's personal. Since this blanket will belong to my DD Hannah, I thought this would be a nice touch. Thanks again, Sybille, for designing it for me. Saved me a lot of time.

To make me finish this project a.s.a.p. I wont allow myself to cast on for anything new. Aua, that hurts, but I must be firm with myself, otherwise it will never get done. So, please send me good sewing vibes, I really need them! Thanks!
Wow, you're such a good mom to knit your daughter sweaters and throws. Usually it's the other way around here. My mom sends me sweater patterns, heavily hinting that she think it would look GREAT in burgundy and burgundy happens to be one of her favorite colors.
What you need is a nice, smooth needle and a riveting audio book. You won't want to stop sewing it together!
If you like magic, try Jonathan Stroud's The Amulet of Samarkand.
I totally feel your pain, Im almost at the end of the entrelac blanket, and I'm DREADING weaving in all those dang ends. It will look beautiful when it's done though, let's press on :)
it will be beautiful when done. Hannah will adore both it and you for making it for her (although I am pretty sure she already adores you).
You can do it.
Oh - I don't envy you....the weaving ends I could handle, but the sewing together - yuck! (I don't even like sewing my quilt squares together on the sewing machine!)
BUT...It will certainly all be worth it - I'm looking forward to the unveiling!
This will be the blanket that tops all blankets! I cna't wait to see it all together.
wow I'm mighty impressed with all those squares, but I don't envy you the weaving in or sewing :)
Hmmmm I can't think of anything I'll be sewing by hand for the next week, so I'm sending all my sewing skills and nimble fingers to you! God's speed! :-)
i so want that book but it's out my price league.... shame on you for knitting such nice things that I can't afford at the minute (but keep it up cos it's inspiring!)
Na das hättest Du ja nun auch geschafft! Und Du schreibst mir was von glühenden Nadeln....Ha - aber selber! Ich hatte noch garnicht begriffen, dass Du 3 verschieden Blautöne verstrickt hast. Tja, liebe Monika, dann bin ich ja mal gespannt wie Du die Dinger zusammenbekommst. Meine Fäden habe ich immer sofort vernäht - aber zusammengefügt ist noch nichts. Ich wollte es erstmal mit zusammenhäkeln versuchen. Machst Du auch noch eine Umrandung?
Viele Grüsse von Heike
Just focus on how amazing this throw will be when it's done. It's like childbirth - painful during the process but instantly forgotten upon holding the fniished product :-)
ohhhh Monika if you sew like you knit you'll be done in no time!!!
Its going to be fantastic once its done.
Happy sewing!!
Wow! That's a lot of squares! I say clear a whole afternoon, rent a stack of movies, and get to work. It will be over before you know it! Good luck!
just think of all the bloggers anxiously awaiting a glimpse of the final product. perhaps that may provide an ounce of motivation for you.
i can't wait to see it.
Now, you'll be happy when you get it all done and see the finished project. Can you crochet the squares together? I like that way of joining much better than (*ack*) sewing!
just think of the beautiful result,
and hannah's delight! and the renewed sparkle of your halo.
she's a lucky girl!
Wow! Those are gorgeous. And there *are* a lot of ends. You know what they say: start with one baby step! ;)
Go Monika go! I hope the sewing part of this project goes smoothly and quickly for you. I know it's a pain but it is going to be so worth it.
These squares look absolutely fantastic - but gosh, I can *so* feel your pain, all this weaving is going to be a pain in the back. But it'll be sooo worth it in the end!
Gilt Anspinnen auch als neues Projekt? ;)
Nein, die Farben harmonieren wunderbar und wenn du immer mal ein paar verstichst so nebenher, hat sich das schnell erledigt. Oder einen Spielfilm schauen und dabei vernähen, wenn der Film gut ist, dürftest du gut vorankommen...
Liebe Grüße,
Maria (immer noch fußlahm, grummel)
Oh, this is going to be such a beautiful blanket for Hannah to treasure forever! (p.s. I like crochetting edges so I don't have to weave in ends; they just get worked under the sc's.)
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