Care to guess what this is?

This time I made some fabric hearts and other shapes to be filled with this potent stuff. I don't think I'm usually allergic to pollen, scents and so on, but while filling these little suckers, I had a sneeze attack and I got a runny nose, like with the best cold ever. Half an hour after I was done, it all stopped. But I still LOVE the smell of lavender!

Oh, and looksy here! I finished a pair of simple socks. I used Knit Picks "Dancing", a cotton, wool, nylon and elastic blend. I LOVE the feeling on my feet, now that it is getting warmer. I LOVED how it felt while knitting also. I was not so pleased with the pooling, but I can live with that. They are knit cuff down, yes indeed, with my new old heel, and a simple *K4, P1* repeat for the leg. Cast on 60 stitches and you are good to go. Very nice every day socks.

I've cast on another pair, because, there is a rule, that says, no DP needles are allowed to be free of sock yarn (or something like that). I've dug up all my cotton-blend sock yarn, and believe, it's time to knit some summerly socks. Very fresh. I'm in love with this yarn, stitch pattern, overall look. More about the specifics when they are done.
What's this all about, knitting socks, nothing but socks? I DON'T KNOW! I was looking through my books, and nothing was appealing to me. Even though I did quite a lot this weekend, there are times, where ones energy gets sucked right out of one. I'm learning to overcome that faster. But right now, socks it is. Very comforting knitting, and fast too. Not that I care about how fast I knit my socks. I love the process.
And another thing. I've received some roving and a drop spindle. But that's another story altogether!