Of course it's not DONE done, I've got some finishing touches left to do. Weaving in the ends, naturally, but not that many, each row has one in the beginning and one at the end. And there's the border I'm knitting on sideways. I've already rounded the first corner. I use Patons Classic Merino Wool for the border, will have to get some more. So far I'm liking it a lot. More pictures to come as soon as it's really DONE.

Look what the best daughter ever brought home from her trip to Nova Scotia. A ball of Opal's variations of Hundertwassers art. What lovely colors. I'm looking forward knitting socks with it. This colorway is # 637A "Wartende Haeuser". Thanks, Love!

Hannah also finished the Monkey socks on her trip. They look great! But they are on their way to a lucky friend of Hannah's. I hope she'll be smart and hand wash them. Look what happens, if you don't!!!

I made Hannah these Jaywalkers some time ago, and even with my warning, she threw them into the washing machine. I felted them down some more, I thought I could get them so small, as to hang them from my key chain. I guess they have to go into the hot water some more. Not quite small enough yet. ;o)
It's the same yarn (knit picks), and Hannah sent this picture with her package as a warning.

Biko is doing fine. The last several days, her limping was ALMOST gone, not quite, but much, much better. I'm a little pissed off because my Vet didn't respond to my messages at all. No input after the first two visits. I'm surprised and not at all used to this. So far he was quite helpful, but this time, he didn't even ask after Biko's well being. Well, as long as she's O.K.
Yesterday we got some fresh snow, and today we were out and about enjoying the last of it. Both dogs are doing fine. Thanks to all of you, for asking about them and for your advise! I appreciate it!
Oh, lovely blanket. All your hard work is worth it. And the border color looks so nice and bright with the noro.
Your daughter's socks are great, too. What fun colors.
Your blanket is lovely. Definitely worth all the effort and the aching elbow. Glad Biko is fine but the business with the vet is worrisome. I expect my vet to take me seriously. I'm sure you do, too. Maybe it's time for a change.
My gosh, this blanket is a masterpiece! It's so well worth all the time you've spent with it, it's awesome! Fantastic job!
I'm not usually a knitted blanket fan BUT I have to tell you THAT is a beautiful blanket - something about the Noro colors and the mitered squares come together for gorgeousness!
Hallo Monika,
Deine Noro-Decke wir traumhaft schön. Der Rand in dem gelb bringt die anderen farben richtig zum leuchten - tolle Wahl! Hannah gibt ja jetzt auch richtig Gas beim Stricken und die Socken sind super geworden. Richtige Gute Laune Socken.
Mach´ bloss erstmal Pause und kuriere Deinen Ellenbogen richtig aus.
Viele Grüsse und Gute Besserung von Heike
The blanket's great. I like the way you photograph things end-on. I've been so tempted by something mitred, mostly because of the way you can play with colours, but I won't give in to that particular temptation yet.
Your blanket is so gorgeous! I love that yellow border; you always have such a great eye for colors! Hannah's monkey socks look beautiful; her friend is very lucky. I'm glad to hear Biko is doing better, and sorry your Vet is being such a pill.
beautiful blanket. can't wait to see the finished product.
love hannah's socks. they came out fabulously.
glad to hear biko is doing better but shame on the vet!
Your Noro blanket is awesome! The pattern worked so well with the colors. Beautiful!!!
Very pretty FO's. Love the blanket and the socks. Be careful with the possible knitting injury! I got a repeatative use injury in my shoulder from knitting last year and ended up in physical therapy (and not knitting) for 2 months!
Love your blanket. Can't wait to see it finished with it's border!
Hannah's socks are beautiful :)
Glad Biko's ok!
happy knitting :)
Monika your Noro blanket is just beautiful! I love the colorways you chose. Congratulations on your effort to "knit on" because sometimes it is so hard to finish a big project. I should know :)
I love the border color you picked for your blanket, and I'm happy to hear Biko is doing better. Hannah's Monkey socks are awesome. The stripey effect is very pretty: What size needles and how many stitches did she cast on for them?
Can you write an entry about how you knit a border on sideways? I never heard of that, but I like the concept. Thanks.
Sorry, das ich mich jetzt erst melde. Hatte einige Tage kein Internet. Deine Decke ist super geworden! Endlich hast Du sie doch fertig bestrickt. Und die Socken von Hannah sehen auch toll aus. Das Muster gefällt mir. Und mit der "Hundertwasserwolle" hat Hannah Dir was ganz besonderes mitgebracht. Ich glaube, es ist zur Zeit die teuerste Sockenwolle, die man bekommen kann. Super Farbe!
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