I've not come far with sock two, but here you can see how the contrasting stripes look like on the outside.

So, there was a time before D (Denny), when Happy was very bored. Throughout the day he would come and bring me his tennis ball, pushing it up on my desk.

Are you ready to play with me now?

Guess not (takes it away again). Now we don't have the problem of boredom any more. :o) Because this D-fellow keeps us on our toes, and very busy. But look at this face! I love when he tilts his head back, how his ears stand up. :o)

And, I'm glad I'm the source of amusement for my son. Because of the way I say it (ACD), I shall say only Blue Heeler from this moment on.

God your dogs are beautiful!!
That young puppy face is so funny. Makes me want to hug him.
Ohhh wie süüüüß!! Ich will auch so Einen............
hingerissen grüßt Heike
Love Happy's methods of getting attention. And Denny is too cute!
Jewel didn't leave me alone at all before we got Maggie. Constantly at me to play, but now they have each other, and it's a lot easier on me.
Thank You so much Monika!
Now I have a much better hunch of the technique.
I have bought the pattern and will soon try my own.
OMG!!!!!! That little puppy face!! I just want to scoop him up and squish him. He really is adorable.
I love the photos of Happy, so desperate for you to play with him, ever so hopeful!!! He is such a lovely boy. Denny has such cute ears!! He's lulling you into a false sense of security. It is great that the boys love to play together!!
Oh, a Kettle Dog!!!!!!!
Your dogs are so handsome. Almost makes me want to get one.
On the socks do you fine the seam down the foot comfortable? I have very sensitive feet and was wondering if you can feel it.
Ooh, sweet puppy faces! Denny is growing fast. It's good that Happy is happy again. Besos (kisses) for both puppy noses.
Beautiful socks!! Are those blue/white also knitted with drops deilght??
Your kettle dog comment made my day - I can hear you say it so clearly. Denny is such a sweetie, and I'm so happy for Happy.
I love this striping pattern! Are you still using Drops Delight sock yarn for pair 4 and what color for the blue stripes?
I love ALL of the puppy dog photos. You are a #1 doggie mama in my book!
Denny and Happy are just too cute for words. Please pass along lots of smooches to them ;) Great pictures!
funny! love the ball and love Denny's ears.
glad the boys are having fun ;)
D ist sowas von herzallerliebst. Kann mich gar nicht satt sehen an dem Bild! LG und eine schönes Wochenende! Maria
Denny is too stinkin cute!
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