Friday, July 11, 2008

Test knit socks

I've been waiting for Bea to give me a link to the finished pattern, which is now available in English. She's still working on the German version. Since this was all finished some time ago, there's no reason not to show it to you now.

I've been lucky to be able to test knit "Cross and Meet" socks by Beate Zaech. This pattern comes in two versions. I've knit the lace version. Dave did the cabled version.
So far there's only a ravelry link for the pattern.

Of course red socks are hard to photograph. I've used Regia stretch, because that's what Bea used for her pair, and I happened to have this yarn in my stash. I didn't like the yarn much. It was very splitty, sometimes the stretch material looked through. The color isn't my favorite either, I bought it online, because it was on sale. I do however like this pattern very much. They fit comfortable, and I'll be happy to wear them a lot. I think I'll knit the cabled version some day too.


pattern: "Cross and meet" by Beate Zaech

yarn: Regia stretch, color# 32,

needles: 2.25mm, 5 DP

size: 10.25" for myself

start-finish: June 20 - 25


Anonymous said...

They do look quite comfortable!

sgeddes said...

beautifully knit! I lvoe the detail on the back of the leg.

Kris B said...

Very pretty socks. I like the lines in it and how they carry thru the heel, very nice. I think if I was to do these I would do the lace version.

I had to laugh at your comments about the yarn. The things we will buy when they are on sale ;).

Anonymous said...

just added these to my ravelry queue. Loved the ways yours came out and couldn't resist

CelticCastOn said...

yummy! I love that colour!

Tara said...

Very nice! They look like they'd be suitable for both men and women.

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

Wonderful socks! What an intricate pattern - I really like the design elements. It's always a hit and miss when you buy on-line. Mostly I'm really pleased - but I have yarn in my stash that I may never knit where the color wasn't quite what I expected.

Anonymous said...

Those are really cute! the red is a nice tone too.

Aw. I'm glad your bear found a good home.

Beverly said...

The color is great and they look so comfy.

peaknits said...

Very nice, what a great heel and shape! Nice test knitting too!

Anonymous said...


I'm very very pleased that you like the result of the pattern.

I knitted the lace version by using a non-stretchy yarn. Only my cabled version is in Regia stretch. Found the stretch yarn nice to knit, hadn't that splitting problem with it.

And now - I want to thank you again and again and again for your so helpful tips to improve the pattern.


The Kelly Green Rogue said...

very pretty!

Tracy Purtscher said...

These socks look great! I checked out the cabled version as well and now I don't know which (prob'ly both) to put on the list.

Life's a Stitch said...

Very nice. Now if we could just get that braided shawl translated into English.

Gloria Patre said...

I really love these socks! The lace pattern is so unique! Nice color too! Another 5-star pair! LOL!!

eyeleen said...

Beautiful detail on the back. They look wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Ich glaub, die Anleitung gönn ich mir auch.
Sehen wunderbar aus die Socken.

LG Susi

picperfic said...

I found these on Dave;s blog this morning, I love the lace version! They look great!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pattern!

Heike said...

Toll Toll Toll!!
Man sollte solche Socken nur bei kurzen Hosen tragen damit sie jeder bewundern kann.
Die stricke ich auf jeden Fall auch!!

LG Heike

hakucho said...

Beautiful socks :)

HanneJ said...

Great socks! They're really pretty..
About the mittens you mentioned in my blog; I don't think the pattern is avaliable in English. But maybe it will be one day?

T-Mom said...

Oo, nice socks! Looks like it's time for me to check in on Ravelry.

Violiknit said...

Beautiful socks! I've queued them already!