I would love to have them longer up the leg though.

It's all about my knitting, spinning and a few other things ....
I would love to have them longer up the leg though.
click for bigger picture
... came back immediately, after the first panic subsided. He resumed to paddle in the pool. Later in the afternoon, there where three males, and two females.
Now that it's nice outside, and there's lots to do in the front, and back yard, I spent less time on the computer. I'm sure you all feel the same this time of year. When it will get really hot though, I'll be spending more time inside again. Did I mention I hate the heat?
I haven't touched the double knitting scarf in days. It's about 15 inches long. Since I didn't knit, I've spun, actually, I'm going back and finish plying it right now. Have a nice weekend!
So, I picked up my Elses shawl from my desk, and knit a few rows. I'm liking it again. Even though it's garter stitch, the colores are so wonderful. Can't wait to get to the next color change. I'm waiting for some yarn to arrive, because I'd like to do some double knitting with it. I guess, that's the reason why I don't want to start something big right now.
yarn cake I use for Elses shawl, love the colores (Evilla yarn)
I'm working on some crochet right now. I think I'll finish it up today. More about that soon. I don't have anything else on my needles at the moment, if you don't count the "Elses shawl", which I started before Maggie asked me to knit her a shawl. It's garter stitch, and I don't feel like knitting it right now. It sits on my desk, as a reminder, not put away, so I might just grab it, and knit a few rows, until I decide what to do next.
Biko refused to be photographed today as well. She's doing fine as long as she's not running around like the devil is after her. So we go for long boring walks, and when we are outside, she just wanders around the back yard, and is looking for trouble (that's her middle name by the way). I was hoping that she would be back to her normal self by now, but whenever she does too much, she's still in pain at the end of the day. Last night we saw a further sign of improvement though, when she climbed up the couch to sleep next to my DH, which she has not done since way before her surgery. Recovery is definitely taking longer than the Vet from the clinic told us (she said 4 weeks). But that we never believed anyway.
What's on my needles? I'm working on two things. The Ripple Linen Basket Liner by Amy King, and the Crosswalker Socks by Emily B. Miller.
What's on my needles now? "Have a Heart" socks by Marianne Archer (almost done though).
Any spinning done lately? Yep - after a break for two weeks (while knitting the shawls I did nothing else), I've started spinning my Cotswold again. Remember, I had 1kg of it, have half of it done. Nope, doesn't get boring, even with the natural grayish color. Love it! A bobbin a day, keeps dust bunnies at bay.... or something like that.