Biko turned six years today. After her escape escapade a few days ago, I was a little mad at her, but you can't stay mad at her for long, and it's always the humans fault, when pets don't behave anyway. ;o) We are working on it, though. More obedience training. The last couple of days, she was sweet as sugar and listened like she should, and even cuddled with me on the sofa (once she was out of the "doghouse". She had her head on my lap and snored like a lumberjack. So, all is well again, and we all enjoy her company. Wouldn't miss it for the world! Hope to have you in our family for a very long time to come, Baby!
edited: We had 26 C today!!! It's October for goodness sake! Biko presenting her new collar.
Oh, she is so adorable1 Either as pup or adult, she is one precious pup. Milo and I send sincere best wishes for a very happy birthday to Biko. btw, Milo must have met the same lumberjack.
Oh wow, what an adorable puppy she was! Happy birthday Biko!
Happy Birthday to Biko!
They are always so cute when they are puppies. I love seeing the shepards before their easrs stand up!
I tend to agree... How can you blame a dog for seeking out "freedom?" ... Something that humans strive for every day. :-) The good thing is that you found her.
Take Care!
It is hard to see their puppy pictures and remember when they were that small (at least for me). I love the snowball white fur and the one floppy ear. Timber's did that for about a week, too and I thought, "oh no" but it straightened up again.
Happy bday!
Awwww! Happy Bday Biko!
Happy Birthday Biko!! Sooooo cute even as a pup :)
Lick's from Boston and Molly!
Happy Birthday Biko, I am so glad that the running away incident is over and done with. What a cute baby, those eyes and that cute face!!!!! Much as puppies are cute, I do prefer dogs, grown up dogs!!!
PS Peri is a bolter as well, just once in a blue moon so you are never sure!!!
she is just so lovely. even though she's a brat! :)
give her some snuggles from me in oregon!!!
OOOH, was sind das süße Babyfotos!! Biko sieht aus wie ein Plüschtier zum knuddeln. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Biko, auch von Luna, die Dir einen dicken fetten Hundeknochen als Geschenk wünscht.
happy birthday to Biko
OOOOOOOh! Ich will auch so einen kleine, knuffeligen Wuffi!! Und diese Ohren...
hingerissene Grüsse von heike
Happy Birthday, Biko!! We love you!! Hugs from Samson, Gabi, Sasha and Sweetie!! Hugs from Oklahoma.
Happy Birthday Biko!!
what a cutie! Happy birthday too her!
I was Ahhhing out loud and my son commented "She must be looking at a dog!" Very sweet photos,
Happy birthday Biko!
She is adorable :)
Belated happy birthday wishes to Biko . She's such a beauty !
I love the arm warmers and wouldn't mind a pair myself!!! biko was such a cute puppy. i miss her and you too.
love hannah
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