It's all about my knitting, spinning and a few other things ....
Well, some time ago, I've already forgotten about it, Deborah Robson was writing about this book on her blog. She asked to leave name and address, if we were interested in an advance copy of this book, that is, if she had some left over. If you want to read her blog you've got to have some time, because her posts are long, but very intersting! ;o)
Since I already own a book by Donna Druchunas (Artic Lace), which i thought was very interesting to read, with the plus of gorgeous lace patterns included, I thought I'd give it a shot, and left my information.
You can read more about what Donna has to say about her new book here: Go Knit In Your Hat blog.
I'm not quite through reading it, but it came in my life at the best possible moment. I'm very interested in Fair Isle knitting, or any other color knitting at the moment. The next post will show you what I've knit so far, but this book answers so many questions for me. I even found headband patterns in it, which I was looking for all over the Internet, and in every single knitting book I own, with not much success. I thought I'll start with headbands, they might be easier, which I now doubt. Still the same tanglement, but they will not take that long, hence sanity will be restored more quickly.
There are different kinds of patterns in this book, 4 small skill-building projects, and 8 master sweater plans (as it says so on the back of the book). It reminds me of Cat Bordhi's new sock book, with the master numbers, where you need to plug in your measurements and off you go, knit yourself a wonderful fitting sweater.
I'm so excited about this book, but don't expect a big fat sweater in all-over color pattern just as yet. I'm still struggling to keep sane with the small stuff. Maybe one day. ;o)
And thanks again, Deborah!