Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Vernal Equinox!

Spring is here! What fun!

Happy -March 19

That's what we get when Spring has sprung!
Yesterday was a busy day for me, and an exhausting one. Biko woke up nauseous, didn't eat until after noon, barfed it up a couple of hours later. Clean up!
Also, there was yard work involved later on, and the yearly poopy scoopy session out front (not as bad as all the years past), still very unpleasant. The sun was shining, and it was really nice out. I felt bad about the pups not being able to run free, so I let them out in the backyard to run around. Big mistake! I was sitting underneath the big sun umbrella, crocheting for about five minutes, when I saw both of them eating mud! Yuk! But they sure thought it was delicious. Happy was galloping around like a young horse, jumping in the air with all four legs at once, and doing the puppy run around the whole yard, circling Biko, while she was looking on, like she was dizzy just from watching.
So, I sent Biko in, David could clean her up. She was just a little less dirty than Happy was. I had to catch him first.
Only his chest was clean, the face, the belly, legs, tail everything was dirty and it stank! Normally they would get the hose down, but it's too cold for that. So I had to give them a bath in a small tub, where they can only stand with two legs, while the other two are outside the tub.

After all the romping around, Happy slept deep for an hour. Then he got up and threw up some black goo without any warning at all. Clean up! I was not surprised. Just waiting for Biko to do the same.

Yeah, Spring!



  1. Look at Happy's happy face, he is full of the joy, and mud apparently, of Spring!! I am glad Biko did have some fun too. These puppies, they are little grubs sometimes, aren't they??!!

  2. The picture says it all :-D
    Making most of the spring looks like to be the mantra. Enjoy! Tickle tickle for Happy and hope Biko is feeling better now.

  3. We have a fresh blanket of snow as our Spring gift! Sofee would much prefer mud to play in! Hope all the pups are well - don't want the barfing business!

  4. There's always some kind of barf to clean up huh. My two love to eat bark but Molly's stomach can't handle it for the most part and i'm often left to clean up the thrown up bark. Lovely!

  5. Its all poo and vomit here too ;) spring brings out lots of "yummies" for everyone to get into ;(

  6. What a great picture - it doesn't sound like you had a fun day - but it does sound like they had a very fun one!

  7. Ah spring... muddy dogs and barf! What a wonderful season! :)
    Hopefully the mud dries soon.

  8. isn't muddy vomiting dogs the first official sign of spring? hope all are feeling better soon! :)

  9. Oh wie ich das kenne. Wir hatten gestern Badetag, dann kam der Hundefriseur und gestern abend sah Lilly schon aus, als hätte sie ein Schlammbad genommen... Ich hätte sie killen können. Aber wir lieben unsere Vierbeiner ja :)

    LG Susi

  10. Yay, Spring! Sun, mud, happy Happy! Life is good.

  11. That mud must have smelled mighty tasty for your dogs to me snacking on it! LOL You know Spring has sprung by the amount of mud everywhere.

    Don't worry, Summer will dry that mud to a hard baked brick. Maybe then your pups won't snack on it.

  12. At least yours didn't walk up with a chicken in his mouth.....wondered what all the noise was in the chicken coop...

  13. That's one *happy* Happy! Sorry to hear about Biko. Never good to see that happen - even though very common for dogs to urp up occasionally.

  14. OMG! ROTFL!!!

    (*koff*) Sorry. Not funny, all that clean up. But what a hilariously awful picture!
