Friday, March 19, 2010

Handspun Friday - Pond Life

After the last finished yarn, which was spun so thin, I wanted to give thicker spinning another try. I don't want to spin thick and thin when it's not on purpose. For some reason it worked out better than I thought it would, and it was a lot of fun to finish something so fast for a change!
The whole time I had "hat" in my mind, when I spun this. So I'm hoping to find a pattern for this yarn.
This winter I only wore two hats, one was made with my handspun, it was the warmer one, and the other one was made with Noro Kureyon, and it was very drafty. I've washed both several times in the washing machine to shrink them, because they kept getting bigger and bigger with use. It worked out really well. But still another hat would be nice. Not that I'll need it for this winter, but the next one will come for sure.

So here it is: Pond Life dyed by FatCatKnits 4oz of sw BFL
FatCatKnits-Pond Life-4oz-swBFL

This time the yarn was no surprise. Of course spinning thicker keeps the colors more seperate, they don't look all muddled up.

FatCatKnits-Pond Life-swBFL-4oz-161yds-14WPI-11

This turned out to be ~ 161yds, 14 WPI (remember last time my three ply was 22 WPI!!!), 2-ply. I'm very happy with it. It's not totally spun even, there are thinner parts, but you definitely can't call it a thick and thin yarn.

FatCatKnits-Pond Life-swBFL-4oz-161yds-14WPI-4

I rarely have the same amount of singles on both bobbins. Same is true here. I navajo plied the rest. I like how it looks that way too.

FatCatKnits-Pond Life-swBFL-4oz-161yds-14WPI-3

So, back to the spinning wheel. So much fiber is a-waiting! New Fiber Club fibers are coming in too!



  1. Thats lovely! I am spinning thin (for me!) at the moment and have plans to try and spin thicker for the next project but its hard!

  2. That's beautiful , I love blue and green shades with the other earth tones ! Very spring like to me ...

  3. I love the jewel tones and how they kind of stuck together instead of blending. Your yarn is lovely.

    You're getting pretty good at spinning thicker, wouldn't you say? I certainly think so.

  4. That looks like great hat yarn. I really like that the colors didn't muddy together at all. Perfect!

  5. Gorgeous colors!

    Wooly Wormhead just released her book, and it has some AMAZING hat patterns in it. You might want to check that out.

    She's on Ravelry and here:

  6. Looks great in your pond. You know if you ever have 'too much fibre' to spin I could help you out ;)

  7. So pretty! I have been very monogamous with a large spinning project, so am looking forward to doing some other quickie spins. Your colors are gorgeous, as is your spinning. You truly inspire me!! Your knitting does also....

  8. What a lovely colourway! I WILL learn to spin this year - I really hope I do anyway! I figure your wrist must be feeling better now with all of the spinning and knitting that's happening. I hope I'm right! The shawl that you finished is just lovely (I like rustic!) and I can't wait to see the one you're working on when it's finished!

  9. I really like these color spun up. I don't think I'd have bought the unspun fiber but - wow! - what a difference spinning makes! So golden and light! Absolutely beautiful! I think I need to be a little braver in my dyed fiber choices, like you!
