Monday, February 23, 2009

Surprise - for moi?

Originally I wanted to show you my WIP's today, but a FO is much better, even if it's not made by me.
After shoveling the driveway the umptiest time this winter, I just had enough strength left to get the mail. Usually it's not worth the bother, but today I found a package which was addressed to me. Angelika did it again! She made these felted ballerina slippers for me, and included this cute notebook, stitch markers and this very delicate crochet book mark! Thank you so much, Angelika! It's marvelous to receive a gift, such as yours, for no reason at all! I appreciate the time and effort you put into it.

felted slippers from Angelika-2

I think it's funny how small my size 11 feet look in this picture. I called Sam so he could be the "background" for this picture. I love his expression - my little stoner puppy! The socks I'm wearing here, were made by my Aunt Gisela (for my dad), but landed somehow on MY feet. :o)

Feb.23, felted slippers from Angelika with Sam as background

Sam was really quite bored, and yawned, while I tried to get some good shots.

Sam and felted slippers-1

And because he's so cute, one more picture. Here he's looking pretty for the camera, and as Thank you, he got some treats.

Sam and felted slippers-3

It's a wonderful feeling to get a knit gift. Sure we could make it ourself any time, or not. As a knitter one values gifts like that even more.
Aren't you glad you didn't get to see boring lace WIP's?


  1. Oh it is lovely to receive homemade those slippers and the socks look great with them!

  2. awwww those parcels are the best!
    I love Sam pictures, he reminds me of Molly in the one with his ears up and mouth open.

  3. That is really sweet of Angelika, those slippers look darling and comfy. Warm too, after all that snow shoveling!

    Stoner Sam, lol. He does look quite pleased in his After Treats picture!

  4. What an awesome treat to receive this nice package!!! The slippers look incredibly soft and inviting and are a perfect match with your socks :) What a generous person this Angelika must be.

    No, I never tire of your lace - WIP or otherwise!!!

  5. It is always nice to get handknit or fiber related) gifts in the mail.

    And it's also good to see Sam doing so well.

  6. Lucky you!
    Those slippers looks so warm and comfy :)

  7. What a terrific post and pic-handknit socks and felted slippers and Sam. Doesn't get much better than that. Angelika is such a nice person, too, and a terrific knitter, like you. Must be something in the Austrian water that produces such talent.

  8. Yes, Angelika is a real sweetheart. The slippers are so pretty, the colours, and aren't they wonderful on?
    Sweet treasures.
    (size 11? my daughter's size :^)

  9. You are so right about knitters appreciating handmade gifts! They look so comfy!

  10. What beautiful slippers!! Isn't Sam such a wonderful boy!! He deserves some treats. Your feet look very tiny!!

  11. You are so very welcome. It was fun making those slippers and I know it's a bit colder where you are. :) Enjoy them.

  12. What a nice gift. Maybe it is better than 'boring' WIP's but I do hope you will show them another time anyway.

  13. Love your new slippers...the color is fabulous :)

  14. Very nice gift! Sam does make those size 11's look quite dainty!

  15. I am jealous of your slippers! But it's nice to know someone has bigger feet than me (size 10.) And your dogs are SO CUTE!!!

  16. You are so right about knitters being appreciative of handmade gifts! Yours are lovely :o)

  17. What SWEET slippers!! I'm so in awe of people who felt things and have them turn into something useful... Like actually the size they were after. I have enough trouble getting just my knitting to be the right size never mind tempting fate by trying to felt it!! LOL!!

  18. My, what big ears you have. I know it's the camera angle but it reminds me of when Gracee was a pup and her ears looks disproportionate to her size. A little boy walked by and siad to his dad "Look, it's a bunny!

  19. YOU'RE BACK! I'm so glad to see you're blogging again! and I love the Sam pictures. Dark green is really his color. :) (Nice socks and slippers, too, btw)
