Friday, February 27, 2009

Handspun Friday and Venus of Willendorf

Tell me, how could I NOT knit this girl ( Venus of Willendorf Images ), after I found this pattern? The original Venus of Willendorf was found 1908 in Austria, and was made of limestone. You can read more about her here.

Venus 1 - front

I really wanted for my Venus to look like stone, and I wanted to use rustic looking handspun for her, to make her extra special. I had some light grey Coopworth in my fiber stash, it must have been one of the first fiber packages I ever bought in 2007. Nasty stuff, as it turned out. Not well prepared at all, but I got enough yarn out of it, to knit my giant Big Momma Venus! I modified her head a little, to look more like the real one.

Venus of Willendorf - Big

pattern: Venus de Merino by Lara Breese of Dark Twist. or as Ravelry instant download

yarn: Coopworth handspun, ~ 80yds (including what you need for sewing)

needle: 3.25mm DP (I used smaller needles, than the yarn would call for, to get a tight knit fabric)

size : of Big Momma Venus: 9.25" high 8" wide - yes she's bigger than the real one

start-finish: Feb. 17-18


Venus of Willendorf -small

yarn: handspun "Silver Dollar", 3-ply, (spun this about a year ago, and had it left over from my dad's birthday scarf;

needles: 2.75mm DP

size: of the little ones: 6" high, 4.5" wide

start-finish: Feb. 19-20 (was kind of obsessed and made 3 in two days)

Venus of Willendorf x 3, 6inches hight, 4 inches wide

The little ones are meant as "Good Luck" charms for my family. :o) I'm keeping the big one for myself.


Fiber: Gemini Fibers, bought in 2007, my first fiber bought for spinning, I was looking for the cheapest fiber so I could practice spinning on my spindle; thankfully I didn't bother with it too much and moved on to better fiber, because I would not have continued spinning, and given up on it, because it was so frustrating to spin. A lot of veggetable matter and nibs. I think this fiber, prepared better would not be so bad at all.

Content: light grey Coopworth

Weight: 200g

yardage: I wanted to spin it thicker as normal for me, and filled one bobbin; it was a disaster, kept it as singles; tried again and made 2 skeins 71yds each

WPI: 11

Ply: navajo plied



  1. Liebe Moni,

    Deine Ladies sind einfach umwerfend! Die Idee mit den "Haaren" finde ich spitze und ich wünschte, ich wäre da auch drauf gekommen. Deine Venus gleicht dem Original wirklich sehr und auch die Wahl der Wolle ist einfach klasse.
    Wenn die kein Glück bringen dann weiß ich auch nicht.....

    LG von Heike

  2. Oh Monica - I love your little venus. She looks much better in your grey than the green - please don't tell the author I said that. I am going to go straight over to Etsy and buy the pattern. You picked the best yarn for it too. And I like the idea of the little ones as charms for the family. Clever girl!

  3. Monika, die sind einfach super. Besteht irgendeine Chance diese Anleitung zu kaufen?

    Wir besuchen die echte Venus von Willendorf so einmal im Jahr im Naturhistorischen Museum.


  4. boah, ist die klasse.

    Die werd ich mir zu den Ravelry-Favoriten legen. Muss ich unbedingt irgendwann mal stricken. Soviel ich weiß, ist eine in meiner Strickgruppe bei etsy angemeldet, die sie mir dann kaufen kann.

    Grüßle, die Bea

  5. So nice for both you and your family. You are my afghan/blanket guru, so when you knit other projects and spin, it reminds me how talented you are. Dare I say I am getting the itch to crochet? Hairpin Lace. Tunisian. Have to have a back up plan.

  6. Those are so awesome, Monika! The grouping and multiples make it even better!

  7. awww, I love all your little venus' and mommma venus!!! Such a great way to use up a little handspun!

  8. Ohhh, how I love this little woman! and thank you for the pattern link, alas, she's sold out!

  9. I Love this! I'm trying to get a copy of the pattern right now....
    I love the little venus family. Just remember imitation is the highest form of flattery.

  10. I was totally smitten with the Venus too. I haven't done mine yet, guess it's a good thing considering it seems to be a habit forming pattern! They look marvelous!

  11. Very whimsical and fun knit! I love her in the stone color as it gives her more of an ancient feel.

    Nice job on the boobs - LOL

  12. Oh my! I completely love your Venus!!! I'm going to rush over to Ravelry and favorite her about 1,000 times! Then I'll queue the pattern. I have a number of friends who will love these goddesses!

  13. Those are wonderful! I love how knitting can make more than garments. I hope they bring you all lots of luck. :-)

  14. Grüß dich Monika,
    also deine Venus mit Anhang ist ja super geworden.Kann nur gratulieren dazu und hoffe sie bringen dir viel Glück.
    ein schönes Wochenende wünscht dir

  15. I LOVE her! Nicely done!

  16. Meine liebe Monika,
    ich habe gerade mit offenem Mund vor Deinen Bildern gesessen, gestaunt und geschmunzelt. Deine "Venüsse" sind sooo süß, ganz ganz toll. Die Idee, sie der Familie als Glückbringer zu schenken, finde ich echt nett, die werden Augen machen und wahrscheinlich auch immer ein wenig schmunzeln und an Dich denken, Dich die Erschafferin, wenn sie sie ansehen.
    Du bist wirklich immer für eine Überraschung gut, ganz liebe Grüße von hier aus Old Germany,

  17. Love her! Checked the Etsy site and she's sold out. I have a pendant that reminds me of her. It's made by .

  18. Oh I LOVE her!! I remember learning about the original in my art history classes. This is fantastic.

  19. How very special these are! They are lovely!!

  20. That's a whole lot of ladies you have their. At least their measurments are a little closer to reality than Barbie's.

  21. These are so awesome. I was thinking of making something like this a week ago, and I appreciate the link to the pattern! I don't know how I found your blog, but going to check back again. Your work is great!

  22. Fabbo--kind of like seeing a knitted mini me! ;o)

  23. I couldn't find the pattern on Ravelry or at the link to Dark Twist. They're sold out or something? What am I doing wrong?

    Anyway, I LOVE the knitted Venus....

  24. She's awesome! I studied the Venus of Willendorf in art history in college. The color you picked, too, is pretty appropriate.

  25. awesome.

    alas, i don't knit, but i'm gonna freeform a crocheted goddess tonight infront of an artsy flick, and feel the creative fertility flow :)
