Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Two club fibers together!

My creation

Had a dentist appointment yesterday, again - lived to tell the tale. :o)

Above you see on the left top Spunky Eclectic Fiber of the Month January 2008 "Snow Squall", 100% Icelandic wool, to the right is Electric Sheep Fiber of the Month "London Fog", BFL, each 4oz. I thought they would go nicely together. The one bobbin full is a Jumbo bobbin, and I've never filled it to the maximum like that.

I've got 270yds, 12 WPI , 2-ply yarn. I should check my WPI again, for 8 oz I think there should be more yards, maybe it's thicker than I thought. Maybe I just got a thin end to check the WPI, it is kind of thick and thin, but not extremely so.

We are off to the Clinic to get Biko's stitches taken out. Want to see what she's been doing? No, that's not a bunny.

She's got a new bed, and both she and Sam love it. She's a 80lbs dog, Sam's almost 100lbs, both fit in nicely.


  1. Oh, I wish I had a bed like that!

    Gorgeous spinning!

  2. That's the kind of bed I've been looking at getting for Jewel.

    Gorgeous fibers! They really spun up pretty!

  3. Those colors look great together! And I bet the BFL really helps soften up the Icelandic.

  4. ok where did you get the bed, and is it stuffing?? IF so Bosty will probably just tear it to shreds :(

  5. I think the two fibers make a beautiful colour combo! Very nice yarn. Love the "rabbit "ear pic of Biko . She looks very happy in her new bed . Good luck with the stitches.

  6. Love the new dog bed! Do you mind if I ask where it came from? Milo would love that. Biko is so cute all snuggled in. Hope the stitch removal goes well.

  7. She looks so cozy! I think that yarn may be my favorite so far.

  8. dude... those fibres are beauties as is the yarn!

    That's one fabulous bed! I'm glad to hear she's doing so well! YAY!

  9. Love. It. They go together perfectly! How's the icelandic to spin? I have some in my stash, I need to pull it out.

  10. Ooh, that looks lovely! They were made for each other.

    That doggy bed looks so cozy.

  11. Glad the stitchare are coming out! Hopefully she will be able to get up aand around more too.

    I've read so much about things affecting the yardage you get out of fiber. I'm trying to figure out how to get more yardage too. I think I get less because I have a lot of twist in the singles and plying.

  12. I really really really love that new spinning. It's so pretty. You must have done something different to get it to stripe like that? The ears are too cute.

  13. They look good together and like this the iceland wool is not quite as scratchy, I'd think. Your "puppy" is so cute in the new bed.

  14. I love the two ears poking cute!

  15. Beautiful colors in that yarn!

    That bed looks so comfy, I'd like one.

  16. I had to laugh at your bunny ears comment. Bunny Ears is one of my nicknames for Samantha.

    I want to know what kind of bed that is, too. Kishka would love it!

  17. bilko looks so warm and comfy! the yarn looks lovely, it will be fun to see what you knit with it.

  18. Your spinning is beautiful! That yarn looks great!

  19. oh my gosh that new bed is so cute! No wonder they love it :)

  20. where did you find that bed and can we find one for josie here in the states?!?!?! she'd adore that bed!!!

    beautiful yarns, as always.

  21. Klasse diese Betten - wir haben auch so was für uns - allerdings abwaschbar weil wir kleine Ferkel sind ;)
    eine schöne Belohnung für Bikos Tapferkeit und Sams Geduld
    Grüßle von Tom und Daisy

  22. Oo the bed looks so cozy. :)

  23. Some bunny looks comfy! I hope the stitches & the vet visit went really well!

  24. OMG. The photo with the ears sticking up is too much! So cute! :)

  25. I love this yarn you made!!!

    Funny picture of the ears. The dog-bed looks very comfortable

  26. So soft the beg and the ears, funny photos and the beautiful yarn!

  27. Biko's new bed looks very comfortable :)

    I love your new spun colors :)

  28. Hallo Moni,

    jetzt habe ich wirklich einen Moment lang gedacht Du hast Dir auch einen Hasen angeschafft...*grins*. Das neue Hundebett scheint sehr gemütlich zu sein!

    Viele Grüße von Heike

  29. Nice combo hanspun! And what a cozy looking bed!
