Friday, February 29, 2008

Silver Birch Hat!

Since several of you asked about Biko's new bed , which can be found at Aviva Designs Ltd. I went online to find a link, because I've ripped off all tags, I had no clue where to find it other than at our Ryans Global Pet Food store, where we buy food for our dogs. Well, I found it, and I see now, that they have awesome stuff!

Thanks to all your well wishes, Biko is doing great. She's got the stitches removed, the hardest part with that was the long drive, and the waiting at the clinic. The actual visit with the Doc lasted about 5 minutes tops. We all felt very uncomfortable there, and in the future, we'll avoid this clinic if at all possible. I am thankful to the surgeon for doing such a fine job.

She's now allowed to walk the stairs, go for walks on the leash, but no chasing the ball yet. She's using her tail again, and seems much, much happier than before the surgery. She's not grumpy anymore, which just shows me, that she must have been in pain for a long time. She can also walk up the stairs straight, and not sideways as before.

Right now she's just a piggy, driven by her medication, to guard the entrance to the kitchen (from Sam), as well as the fridge. She wants to eat non-stop. I found her lying in the dark kitchen in front of the dishwasher, a place were she's never wanted to lay down before.

The other day, when I was doing dishes, I was swishing out a pan, and poured the liquid into the toilet, did not flush it right away, because I had another bowl to empty into it. You know what's coming. I heard some noisy SLURP SLURP SLURP, and thought that this was going on way to long (we have a water bowl for the dogs in the hall). When I finally investigated I found Biko drinking out of the toilet bowl. Eeeeeeeeewe! See what the meds make my girl do!!!

Something very flattering happened too: I've got an e-mail from Amy, editor of Spin-Off magazine regarding my Morning Surf Scarf:

"Dear Monika,
Thank you for sharing your version of the Morning Surf Scarf by Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer on Ravelry. We love how the scarf works up in handspun and are working with Jackie to offer the pattern in Spin-Off. We’d like to follow the pattern with a gallery of scarves that have been made in handspun yarns and yours caught our eye.
(In case you’re not familiar with us, Spin-Off is a quarterly publication from Interweave Press devoted to handspinning and what readers make from their handspun yarn. Each issue we feature a gallery of handspun items.)
This was a last minute inspiration, so we’re already in the throes of making the Summer issue—said another way, we’re operating on a tight schedule.
Please let us know if you are interested in participating in our gallery as soon as possible by emailing me at If you’re able to participate in the Summer issue, I’ll respond with a projects notes box that I’ll need you to fill out and we’ll need you to ship the scarf, fiber and yarn so that it arrives by Monday next week (March 10, 2008).............

About 2–6 weeks before the May 7, 2008 press date, you’ll receive the edited text to review. Can you please send me your complete contact information as well?

Best wishes,
Amy Clarke Moore Editor, Spin-Off Interweave Press, Inc. 201 East Fourth Street Loveland, CO 80537-5655 (970) 613-4682"

I'm very pleased, and flattered, but I can't participate, scarf's gone as a gift, and I used up all the handspun yarn I had, nothing left put pictures. Oh well. :o)

Now finally we'll come to the title of this post: The Silver Birch Hat!
Can you see how fuzzy the mohair is? I love it! Even though the hat turned out pretty big, I liked it's construction, and I loved knitting with both yarns. It's easy and fun to make too. Next time (if there is a next time), I'll swatch to get a better fit.

Hannah's modeling it, with wet hair out in the cold, thanks Honey!

My creation
I liked doing the crochet edge, you should click on the above pic to see the close up, it's so wonderful that I must force myself to move on, and not stare at it indefinitely! :o)

I've special ordered this Manos Silk Blend yarn for this hat. It's not the original yarn used in the pattern, but this is amazing yarn. I loved every single stitch I knit and crochet with it. It's a pity that it goes under combined with the mohair blend, but still, that's note worthy yarn!

pattern: Silver Birch hat, Colinette Arboretum Book (original yarn used: Colinette Taos & Colinette Parisienne)

yarn: I used: Manos del Uruguay, color # 3117, 30% silk 70% merino wool, 1 x 50g ~ 150yds and Watercolors by Estelle: 50g ~ 175yds, shade 30, 50% mohair 50% acrylic, held doubled

needles: 4mm

crochet hook: 3.75mm

start-finish: Feb. 20-21 (I know speed is not important, I just wanted Hannah to model it, before she left)

I fell in love with this hat and it's construction, but more with the yarn used (Colinette Taos), when I saw this hat, which Claudia of Mr. Puffy the Dog made.

BTW - Devonshire is having a Blogiversary contest. You've got to let her know what your favorite dessert is, the bad thing is, you can only list ONE!


  1. That's too bad about the magazine! Your Morning Surf Scarf is probaby my favourite thing I've seen you knit.

    I'm glad Biko is on the mend. Doesn't food make everyone feel better!

  2. Beautiful hat!

    That is so neat about the handspun scarf. It has always been one of my favorites. Too bad you won't be able to particpate.

  3. thank you for the link for the bed! i will have to investigate if they sell them here in the states at any stores, otherwise i will be ordering one for josie.

    couldn't you do/use some different handspun and make another scarf for the publication?!?


    And the Silver Birch hat is lovely. I suddenly need to make one.

  5. Thanks for mentioning my humble little hat - but I like yours better! I prefer the stripy effect the contrast in color creates and next time I'm going to shoot for that effect! I'm not surprised that your scarf was selected - it's in my favorites and I'm thinking about using some left over la Lana Wools yarn to make a scarf for my mom. I'm glad Biko is feeling better - too funny about his appetite and hanging about in the kitchen.

  6. Congrats on the invite from Interweave! Your work is so outstanding I'm not surprised at all!
    The construction of the Silver Birch Hat is intriguing! That must be quite the book!

  7. I love the fluffiness of the hat and the shape of it!

  8. What great honour to get the invite of Interweave, sorry your scarf isn't available. Isn't it possible to just send them a picture of the scarf?

    Lovely hat. I like the yarn you used for it.

    Pour Biko: always hungry! My cat wants to drink the water out of the toilet whenever she gets the change but she is a very strange animal.

  9. I'm glad Biko is doing so well.

    How did you like the Manos with the silk?

  10. How cool about Spin-off! Even though you can't do it, you were asked to do it. :-) I would definitely follow your instincts on the vet. In CT a friend and I both tried out a vets office that was local and we both got weird vibes there. There was nothing actually wrong, but it didn't feel right. She found a different vet and loves it there and I ended up moving so I HAD to find a new vet.

  11. Wow, that is awesome that Spin-Off magazine was interested in your scarf. To bad they will not take just the pictures you have.

    I can see the fuzzy mohair in the silver birch hat. It almost looks like a halo in that one picture. Which also makes it look very soft.

  12. Liebe Monika,
    schade, dass das mit Spin-Off nun doch nichts wird. Aber es ist eine riesige Anerkennung für Dein tolles Werk, nicht wahr? Du kannst echt stolz auf diesen Ritterschlag sein.
    Deine Mütze ist wunderschön, so weich, so richtig weiblich, die Farben, das Garn, Deine Strickkunst - alles ist eine wunderbare Einheit. Ein echtes Meisterstück!
    Und ich freue mich, dass es Biko endlich wieder richtig gut geht. Nun, die Medikamente, okay, aber das wird auch vergehen. Ich hab oft an Dich und die Hunde gedacht in den letzten Tagen.
    Ich wünsche Euch ein schönes gemütliches Wochenende.
    Liebe Grüße

  13. I have a cat that is on steroids to suppress cancer. Little piggy indeed!

  14. How awesome is that?! It is a shame you won't be able to participate this time around but, just like they say for award shows, it was an honor to be nominated, no?

  15. Hey Monika~

    Does are really lovely hat!
    It looks really warm and profect for snowing day!

    Also if you listen to podcast..i have a big news! Check out my blog more info!


  16. That hat is gorgeous. Love the colors and the soft look the mohair gives it. Thanks for posting about my little contest. How cool about Interweave - perhaps a picture will do?

  17. Your hat is beautiful...looks so soft and warm.Too bad your beautiful scarf was gifted away so you can't participate in the magazine gallery...but being acknowledged is just super. You always do such beautiful hand work :) Biko's hungriness is a sure sign of being on the road to recovery...glad she's so much better.

  18. Three cheers for Biko.

    Congratulations on the invite. What an honour!

  19. Okay, SQUEE about the Spin Off offer! Too bad you can't take her up on it but nice that she recognized your lovely knitting!

    And YAY that Biko is better! How's the rest of the family doing?

  20. Mr. Puffy sent me over for a visit.

    That's awesome about the e-mail from Spin-Off but what a shame you no longer have the scarf. I recently discovered Spin-Off magazine and like it very much. Lots to learn from it even if I don't spin.

    Hope Biko is feeling better.

  21. Beautiful Hat. All of your work is beautiful. So glad Biko is feeling better.

  22. der hut ist supersüss - und das lila garn traumhaft! haben wir auf der anderen seite auch ne chance, das irgendwo zu kriegen!?

  23. Congrats on the news from Spin-off! Sorry you can't participate, though... :(

    I adore that hat!
