Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring is here!

want to have a closer look? click on pic
This is one reason why I don't like this time of year.


  1. that's why we have a black dog. :)

    i must say, your two are just amazingly beautiful creatures and i for one am thrilled with each photo you share! hope all is going well with the two of their health issues.

  2. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I'm in the same mess.

  3. Ack! Someone needs a bath! This time of year IS tough. Sherman loves the creek we have and is always a muddy mess!

  4. Oy! But don't worry, warmer - and less wet! - weather will soon be here! ;)

  5. Wieso, magst Du keinen nassen Hund??
    (grins) Es geht doch nichts über den "Duft" von einem richtig eingeweichten Doggy. Puhhh!
    Kann seeeeehr gut verstehen, warum Du diese Jahreszeit nicht so magst. Kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor.

  6. Oh yukk!
    Our pups are coming in with their muddy feet and leaving footprints everywhere - I've given up cleaning the floors!

  7. Oh, can I relate. Over 30 years and 4 dogs, I have cleaned up my share of muddy pups and floors. I guess it's the price we pay for loving our pets the way we do. I always kept a towel by the door and wiped them down when they came in. Helped a little. Your photos of your doggies are always so gorgeous, mud or not.

  8. We're expecting rain here for the weekend, so I suspect I'll be in the same boat soon!

  9. Oh no! I don't have any dogs, but I have two kids who are magnetically drawn to muddy puddles!

  10. Oh, no! I hope the muddy weather goes away soon!

  11. Ah, brown white shepherds! I smell wet dog!

  12. Don't you just love the smell of wet dog, not ;). I think it would be nice if man could invent something that would quickly wipe the wet and dirt off pets before they come inside.

    Your Noro blanket is looking awesome!

  13. Oh, but I bet your doggies just love getting all wet and muddy, right?

    My boys bring in their fair share of mud too and I'm not taking about dogs, LOL :)
