Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Drive - by - Post

I had to share my good fortune with you! Look what was in the mail today. Lace Style, which, I'm sure all of you know by now. It's wonderful. There are a few projects in it, which I want to knit for Hannah, and some she wants to knit herself. There's the gorgeous "Never Wimpy Wimple" by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts, just lovely, and the "Lacy waves top" by Norah Gaughan, and the "Ooh La Lace Dress and stole" by Shirley Paden, just beautiful, and "The essential tank top" by Laura Zukaite, and "Lily of the Valley shawl" by Nancy Bush, and the "Just right wrap" by Mari Lynn Patrick. I'm breathless just listing all these beauties, and there are many more. A book well worth it's prize.

And the other book is "The Natural Knitter" by Barbara Albright. That is one interesting and wonderful book! I just browsed through it, it takes time to get it all in, but I know already, that there are many projects I really, really like! There are too many to list them here, and besides, I'm off reading now! Bye! ;o)

Oh, I almost forgot the addi TURBO Lace circulars I've got as well! (and it's NOT even my birthday!)


  1. You did well! Let me know how you like the Addi Lace needles. I am so tempted.

  2. Great books and lucky you, new needles :)

    happy knitting :)

  3. I LOVE getting new knitting books!!! (I don't have either of those yet....)

  4. Oh, Du hast schon das Buch "Lace Style". Dieses Buch hatte mir im Internet auch schon mal angesehen. Ich glaube, da sind einige schöne Modelle drin. Viel Spaß mit den neuen Turbonadeln.

  5. Oooooooh...very nice haul! (I would also be curious to know how you like those addi lace needles)

  6. Hallo Monika,

    da bin ich ja mal gespannt, wie die neuen Lace-Nadeln sind. Ich hab' sie mir nämlich jetzt auch bestellt.

    Liebe Grüße

