Monday, May 01, 2006

I haven't knitted as much as I'd have liked!

I've been working on a "wearable garment" for a contest on the Multidirectional Yahoo Group. I
sure hope it's going to be wearable, at least by my daughter. I've got the front so far and started
the back. Full disclosure after it's finished.

The Mason Dixon dishcloths are wonderful mindless knitting. Ideal for watching TV or sitting on the balcony, watching the ducks paddling around in the swimming pool!

Grandma's Dresser scarf is blocked and dry. That was my first lace project and blocking experience, and let me tell you - I don't like it (the blocking). I've got to get more needles. I used up 6 balls of Peruvian Highland Wool/Silk blend. I'm glad it's done. I'm only sorry that I can't give it to my Granny in person, since she's living in Europe and I'm here in Canada. :o( Hope she'll like it though.
And this is a picture for Abi. The square looks just the same but a little bigger. I started out with 20 sts for the center square and now I'm up to 110 sts. I like the dark side, the colores blend nicely. On the other side the orange bugs me a lot. It's too dark for the light side, but it can't be helped. That's what'll happen when you use yarn from the stash. And also it's getting warmer outside and this thing, not even blanket sized yet, is warming up my lap already. Not a summer knitting project at all! But-I've ordered some cotton yarn. Maybe I'll start a new one as my summer project. Oh, and the reason why I only make one super bigt square is - I DON'T like sewing knitted stuff. I'll avoid it whenever possible. I just can't do it right.

By the way, I think I spend entirely too much time on the internet. Yesterday I was googling "knitted Log Cabin" images, just to see what others already did or are working on. Not much there to see. Just a few blankets and stuff. Not very impressive. I was looking for Super 10 Cotton for at least an hour, until I finally found it on the website, which is the online store I bought a lot from already. Puh! So much time wasted. Super 10 orange juice colorway is very big on my wishlist right now, but I have restricted myself and I have to wait to buy more yarn. There will be some for me left, I'm sure (I hope, I really want it now!). Anyway, I'm an adult, I can wait, can't I?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Monika. Your "wearable garment" construction is amazing! I love it! I'm a member of the multidirectional group - but have been just deleting the digests unread. I might have to take a look through the message archives now!

    And your blanket is coming along so nicely - it's really not boring at all!! I'm thinking that you're doing one big cabin like they show in the book? So much easier than the way I'm doing mine... I'm really not looking forward to putting all the blocks together(if I ever finish this thing of course!).

    I had someone ask if I knew who was hosting the Mason-Dixon knitalong... I've been kinda looking for one myself, but haven't really researched it yet.

    Anyway - it looks like you've been very productive, and your work is gorgeous.

    Have fun!

