Wednesday, May 03, 2006

All what's left is - knitting!

I've started this P94 by Iris Schreier two day's ago. I was in between projects and was waiting for the Euroflax to arrive in the mail, so I could finish the hand towel. This is easy knitting, but I love it (multidirectional). I have waited to start this BB for quite some time now. So, I have two blankets to work on, as the fancy strikes. Yeah!

The Mason Dixon dishcloth will be a gift and is already packed tight with the silk scarf ready to go on a long journey to Europe. It's one "brick row" smaller, because I ran out of yarn. This was my 4th one, me thinketh, I'm getting bored with it. No fast amounts of those puppies! Here you can see it hanging out with my front door Angel!
But they DO look good though, still like the look of it.

And wouldn't you know it, as soon as I started a new project, the mail lady brings the Euroflax Athens color Moss lake, so I could finish the hand towel. It is really REALLY rough to the touch. We'll see what happens in the washing machine and the dryer. Right now I can't imagine using it for my sensitive skin, other than to exfoliate! It's 22 "X 15" (56cmX37cm) befores washing. It's supposed to relax a little after the bath. The pattern is from Barbara Walker's 2nd treasury page 8 and is called "ripple stripe", fitting for a hand towel in the color Moss Lake!
So, now I'm down to five works in progress:

1. P94 Baby Blanket by Iris Schreier

2. Log Cabin Blanket

3. Noro Kureyon Blanket (almost forgot about that; it's not active right now)

4. Domino knitted shawl (also a sleeping beauty)

5. "wearable garment" for the contest.

I made a list the other day, putting down what came to mind quickly, of all the projects I would like to make in the near future. It took a whole page and in my mind I'm already adding to it.

About today's title: My husband will be gone for 2 month, so I'll have lots of time to knit - guilt free! ;o)

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