We've been having rainy days, which is good, since it was way too hot, and dry before. The pups adjusted to the change in weather, sleeping curled up mostly, like Denny here.

I know now why he chewed a hole into this shawl last year, because he likes it for himself. He's dragging it around like a security blanket. And no, the vacuum is not broken. I just thought test knitting was more important, than lugging that thing around.
In other news, the Robin parents are back, renovated the nest, and are going for another round it looks like. How often do they breed in one season?
I've been test knitting with this yarn, because of Vertigo I didn't finish it this weekend, like I hoped I would.

The yarn is Madeline Tosh Merino Light in Amber Trinket and Flashdance. I've been knitting with it for the first time. It's nice.
I've also got the first clue of TTL Mystery Shawl 2012 done. Not much to see yet. It's going to be a half circle shawl, that much we know.

Here is something I have been wondering about for some time. As you know, I love your dogs and the stories about them, but in your profile, you only mention Happy and Denny. What about Maggie?
Beautiful yarn. Do you take motion sickness pills for the vertigo? It worked for me....
Sorry to hear the vertigo cam back. Not fun. Amber trinket is one of my favourite Tosh colours - and the purple is the perfect choice to pair with it!
How do you find the time to do so much test knitting?
I became acquainted with Madelinetosh last year. I love the feel of them.
The only good Vertigo is the film, so I hope you are feeling better now. Isn't Denny so sweet with his security shawl?? Though not the chewing a hole part. It's very cold here, but sunny so excellent Labrador weather!! I look forward to seeing your Mystery knitting grow!!
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