Sunday, February 10, 2013

More pups in the snow pictures 2

Of course Happy wasn't the only one out and about.

It's hard to get all three of them in one shot, facing in my general direction. I love this photo!

Feb. 9-early morning-19

Denny being watchful.

Feb. 9-early morning-17

And a close up of his face.

Feb. 9-early morning-16

And now they are getting restles. I better get going. I have one more post with snowy, doggy photos, which were taken yesterday afternoon.


  1. Your pups are both beautiful and entertaining. Almost make me want a dog!

  2. Your babies are so sweet.Thank you for including them in your post often.Wish I could pet them.

  3. I love the first photo of all 3. Beautiful dogs!


  4. I love that first picture too.

  5. Yes it is incredibly hard to get three dogs, still and looking at you in the one photo. They all look very magnificent and Denny really loves the snow, doesn't he??!!
