Saturday, December 15, 2012

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas Tree with hand knit mitten ornaments

I finished my handspun, handknit little mittens ornaments, and hung them in the tree today. I think I need to steam iron them to get them to be a little flat, and I'd like to add a few more, but overall I think they are cute.

Christmas tree with hand knit mitten ornaments

Here they are all 22 of them: used up ~ 450yds of my yarn, only enough for half a mitten left over.

FCK-Christmas Rippit- 22 tree ornaments

FCK-Christmas Rippit- 22 tree ornaments

This is the second round:
FCK-Christmas Rippit- 22 tree ornaments

And while I was busy decorating the tree, Denny and Maggie were checking out the gift bags.

Denny & Maggie

I wish I know what Maggie was thinking here. Looking for Denny's opinion?

Denny & Maggie

The decoration seems more interesting then the bags.

Denny & Maggie

Nothing for me? Sniff, sniff.


♥ ♥ ♥


  1. The mittens are adorable as are the puppies!

  2. Der Baum mit den Weihnachtshandschuhen gefaellt mir soooo gut! Und von den Weihnachtshunden kann ich sowieso nie genug sehen.

    Liebe Gruesse

    von Birgit

  3. Such sweet faces and cute mittens!

  4. and where is my beloved dog, huh? :-/

  5. Schön
    Deine Fäustlinge sind doch eine tolle Idee. liebe Grüße zu dir.

  6. what a wonderful idea! I'm going to steal it, because there's no way I'll ever spin enough yarn with my drop spindle to knit anything substantial, lol.

  7. Your Mittens Tree is an incredible art show of it's own ! Really well done. And your pups, too cute. If my Emma were there, you'd not find anything left in the vacinity of the tree, but everything moved into her 'lair ' (dog crate, her room), so our tree must be up on a table. Your dogs are so polite !

  8. Your tree is so beautiful and it's still standing with three pups! Remarkable.

    The mittens are a beautiful touch and in such pretty holiday colors. Wow! Lovely.

  9. Oh my goodness, I LOVE those mittens! How fabulous!

  10. The mittens are perfect!! I love the puppers too. :)
