Friday, December 28, 2012

Handspun Friday- a couple of hats

I've shown you this handspun yarn before. But now I have a finished hat too!

Here's the yarn: Southern Cross Fiber/Trickster/October 2012 fiber club/Polwarth

SCF-October 2012 fiber club-Polwarth 110gr-Trickster-2-ply-199yds

I knit this hat with it. It's a Stephen West design. It's called Pom Pom it!
I really dislike making pom pom's but I LOVE having them on hats.

Pom Pom It! by Stephen West

I gave it to Hannah, because it's way too small for my big fat head.

Hannah wearing Trickster hat

And another handspun yarn hat I've made recently. It's also a Stephen West design. This one's called Aurora Expanse.

I used some older handspun yarn, which I wanted to dye light aqua, but didn't get it right, for the prim, and the rest of the Downton Abbey handspun yarn for the rest of the hat. It's warm around the ears, that's really lovely with the double knit prim.

handspun Aurora Expanse by Stephen West

handspun Aurora Expanse

I made my sisters Wood Hollow mittens, and still had left over yarn, so I used it for this hat. It's nice and slouchy, just the way I like it.

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Great hats! I especially love the colours in the first one. Hope you had a merry Christmas!

  2. Both hats are beautiful! I just finished spinning my Trickster yesterday. I was thinking funky legwarmers...

    The second hat...I love the blue brim, and the slouchiness.

    Hope all's merry and bright with you!

  3. Lovely !!!! I am seeing pom poms wherever I go, how delightful. Great that you spin your own yarn too, a real plus !

  4. I think I like striped hats, they add interest to hats. Hannah is looking quite lovely in her new hat.

    My plan is to use up all the single skeins of yarn to make hats. They're fast and (mostly) easy.

  5. I especially like that first handspun yarn. I love oragen and blue together.

    A belated Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and thanks for blogging.
