Friday, October 26, 2012

Handspun Friday - FatCatKnits Semi Solids

Earlier this year, I decided to spin for another blanket, using FatCatKnits semi solid colorways. At the time there were a little over 50 colors, but Ginny continued to add more colors. In the end I stopped at 61 colors, while she has over 80 in her store now. They are all so beautiful!

Here's a picture of the big mother load I got first.
FatCatKnits Semi Solids-Falkland-6.75lbs

FCK semi solids on Falkland put away

FatCatKnits Semi Solids on Falkland

During this years Tour de Fleece, it was my goal to spin as many semi solids as possible during that time. I stuffed them into this plastic bin.
ready for Tour de Fleece 2012

At that time I had 32 colorways left to spin, and managed to spin 19 during Tour de Fleece. Here are some pictures of finished yarn.

FatCatKnits Semi Solids on Falkland

FatCatKnits-semi solids- 2oz each-Periwinkle-Turquoise-Persian Blue

I filled a few bobbins, and plied them at one go, so that there were always a few done at a time. Like this:

first seven of 54 FatCatKnits Semi Solids on Falkland

FCK-semi solids-Falkland-3rd batch

FCK-semi solids-Falkland-3rd batch

With each batch I thought there was one which was my favorite, but I can't choose just one favorite. I like them all, and really love some of them.
Anyway, while the fiber took up space in 2 1/2 shelves, the finished yarn only needed one shelf to house all those little pretty skeins.

I do like this combo a lot though.
FCK-ss-Rust, Toasted Almond, chain plied

It's "Rust" and "Toasted Almond".

FCK-semi solid-61 colors- chain plied-Falkland

Each color is 2oz, chain plied, on Falkland.

FCK-semi solid-61 colors- chain plied-Falkland

I can't tell you how happy I am to be done with spinning them. I had an idea how I wanted to knit this blanket, but have dismissed this idea since then. Now I have to think some more, before I can cast on, but there is no hurry. I love looking at this shelf. I still have to add up the total yardage.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

♥ ♥ ♥


    Einfach F A N T A S T I S C H !!!!!
    Mehr als begeisterte Grüsse - ZiZi

  2. Oh mein Gott!

    Liebe Monika, ich bin überwältigt!
    Um mein geringes Schulenglisch auszupacken:

    Ich freu mich immer über Deinen Handspun Friday, aber dieses Posting ist schon etwas ganz Besonderes und lässt Spinners Herz einfach höher schlagen.

    Liebe Grüße aus der alten Welt,


  3. Stunning and beautiful! That's a lot of spinning, but what a beautiful haul of yarn. :)

  4. Can't wait to see what you do with this!

  5. I'm so jealous! Such beautiful work! I really look forward to seeing the finish blanket.

  6. Wow, that's an impressive amount of work there. Just beautiful!

  7. I want to come and steal it all so I can make my own blanket!

  8. Holy Crap Monika! That is simply and utterly wonderful! You are amazing. Falkland is one of my fav fibers to spin. I am looking forward to see them knit up whether it's in the form of a blanket or not. Brava and kudos to you.

  9. Wow! That is a lot of gorgeous yarn. Kudos to you for having a ridiculously ambitious plan and then actually carrying it out! I always get stuck at the crazy plan step.

  10. amazing and gorgeous, they are a work of art in themselves! Love a rainbow, I'm just in awe :O)

  11. Das ist gigantisch!

    Da fühl ich mich ganz klein daneben mit meinen ca. 300 - 500 g gesponnenem Garn pro Jahr.

    Liebe Grüße, die Bea

  12. Liebe Monika,

    jetzt habe ich erstmal nach dem Lesen dieses Eintrages ein paar Stunden gebraucht um fähig zu sein diesen Kommentar zu schreiben - ich war nämlich sprachlos...

    Das ist so fantastisch!! Ich bin sehr beeindruckt und freue mich jetzt schon von diesem Projekt mehr zu lesen.

    Herzliche Grüße

  13. You have been so industrious and so dedicated. Your shelves look like a fabulous wool shop!! Thank goodness you had Denny's help!!

  14. Stunning!!! I just started spinning (in fact I had my first lesson yesterday) and I hope that I can get to your level some day!

  15. Hallo Monika,
    Auf welchen verschlungenen Wegen auch immer ich auf Deinem Blog gelandet bin... ich freue mich, dass ich dich gefunden habe. Herrliche Sachen, die du zeigst. Und besonders begeistert bin ich von der gestrickten Version der Venus von Willendorf!

    Liebe Grüsse aus Good Old Germany

  16. That is so wonderful! I have to admit I think it would make a lovely hexapuff thingy blanket, what was it called? Any who, you are going to have such fun playing with all your color choices!

  17. Wow, I almost licked the screen this is so yummy! Love all those colors and the beautiful spinning work ;)

  18. I just found your blog via Hook, Knit, Spin. Can't wait to see what you make with all that gorgeous yarn you've spun!

  19. I've been following the progress of this project with awe and not just a little bit of envy (in the good way). It's such an amazing collection and the shelf of yarn looks bloody fantastic.
    I can't wait to see what you'll use all these beauties for.

  20. Wow! You are a spinning machine!! :)

    That blanket is going to be so pretty.

  21. unbelievably beautiful monika! i can't wait to see the blanket! amazing!

  22. WOW they are stunning! You are making me want to take up spinning so I can do the exact same thing!
